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(btw this is an old explanation. my headcanons have already changed)

I'll be explaining the last chapter since it basically introduces Espresso's personality

here's the explanation:

This is kinda like my Powertrip AU, except DE didn't take over the kingdom and Espresso never went on a power trip. They are also more emo /hj. Because of this, Espresso's backstory is someone similar to Powertrip Espresso's backstory

They were constantly mistreated in the Republic

Eventually, their parents decided to abandon them at Dragon's Valley in hopes that they would die a slow and painful death

Pitaya Dragon found them, and decided to adopt them

They had already adopted Mala Sauce Cookie, so Espresso had an adoptive sister

Since I ship Cream Unicorn x Pitaya Dragon, I decided to make them be in a relationship in this fanfic

So basically Espresso got adopted into a better family

It took them a while to trust them though. Pitaya, Cream Unicorn, and Mala Sauce had to give them space and slowly get closer to them

It didn't get rid of Espresso's fear though since only 3 cookies were treating them well

Anyways, in the last chapter, Espresso woke up from a nightmare. The nightmare was them being kidnapped by their bio parents. Their bio parents abused them and mistreated them. This scared the life out of Espresso since abuse is frightening

That's pretty much it.. I think

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