Chapter 9

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

Eventually, my dad told me to come eat breakfast

'Not gonna lie.. This is.. good'

'Sike. This shit nasty. Absolutely disgusting. Literally the worst thing I have ever put in my mouth. I would rather immediately trust someone than eat this. This is so fucking salty. More saltier than the ocean. I like salty snacks, but this is BEYOND that. It's so salty that my tongue is now numb (do cookies even have tongues). Which parent made this? Because they need to go to a fucking cooking class. No, they have to go to A THOUSAND cooking classes. This isn't food. This is a taste of the ocean. Seriously. I didn't get kidnapped for this shit. Even Dark Enchantress fed me better food when I was forced to be a cookie of darkness for a while. And that says something. Cause I HATE Dark Enchantress.'

I tried not to gag

'Why is this so undercooked too? Do I need to teach whoever made this? I can make a fucking steak meal for myself, and it's delicious. I bet if these bitches tried making a steak, it would be so raw that it's still mooing. If they made a baked potato, it would be so undercooked that it'll be like eating a raw potato. If they don't eat baked potatoes with their steak, that doesn't matter, Because anything they make will be so undercooked. Just like this bacon. God I swear I can still hear the pig oinking. It's probably saying "eat me and save me from these horrible creatures". I can relate to the pig. SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THIS TERRIBLE HOUSEHOLD'

I ate bacon and saved it from this household

'So delicious..'

'..Said no one ever'

'My parents probably compliment each other's food even though it's literally terrible'

'I remember when Mala Sauce decided to make dinner. It was so fucking spicy. But at least it was good. It was actually pretty delicious. This on the other hand.. It's so disgusting'

When I was done with the food, I sighed

'Finally.. The mouth torture is done'

"When will Nacho and Machacha come with Steak Bowl?" My mom asked my dad

"Maybe at like.. 5 pm" My dad said

'I bet she's some bratty entitled cookie that hasn't matured past 9 years old'

"Alright" My mom said

'Shut your ugly ass up. How am I even hot? I came from two ugly cookies'

I groaned and rested my head on my arm

"Don't make that sound at us. It's happening anyways" My dad snapped

"I have a boyfriend already" I said

"You shouldn't have gotten one. This was gonna happen eventually. Just because we tried to kill you when you were younger, doesn't mean we weren't gonna kidnap you"

'Oh.. That moment'

'Pitaya and Cream Unicorn were amazing parents..'

'God I miss them so much'

"Yea you were just annoying as a child" My mom said

'Pitaya and Cream Unicorn said I wasn't. They are better than you, so I'm sticking with their words'

Somehow that made me a little more sad

'Don't cry, Espresso Cookie.. It'll only make things worse'

'Stay strong for Madeleine.. Say strong for Cream Unicorn, Pitaya, and Mala Sauce'

"Now he's gone all silent" Macchiato chuckled

'I go by they/them..'

"Not even surprised" Coffee Cake laughed

Then they looked at me

"Ok go clean the entire house now" Coffee Cake said

'Sooo I'm here for free maid service?'

I sighed and left to go clean

•·.·Time Skip·.·•

After my parents asked me to do a bunch of chores for hours, I sighed

I looked at the time

'Oh no.. It's almost 5'

I went to my terrible excuse of a room and sat on my bed

'I am so sorry for this Madeleine..'

I dug my head into my knees

'I promise I'll always love you.. You're the best boyfriend I've ever had. Even if we have only been together for a day, you were so good to me before we confessed.. You were so patient with me.. If only every cookie was as good as you..'

I sobbed a bit

'I miss Madeleine so much'


I threw a coffee bean at my wall out of anger

Then I continued to sob

"Shut up and get ready. The guests are gonna arrive in 10 minutes" Coffee Cake said sharply

I wiped my tears and tried my hardest to stop sobbing

Luckily, I succeeded

When Coffee Cake left, I sighed

'All I want is Madeleine.. Not some cookie I don't know.. I just wanna feel Madeleine's touch again'

Trying not to sob again has become hard since Madeleine kept popping up in my mind

'Madeleine.. Please find me soon'


794 Words

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