Chapter 6

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

'I can't believe I'm in love with him..'

'I hid in my house for 4 days because I accidentally opened up to him..'

'But now, I want to be with him forever'

I sighed and just decided to go to my lab since I needed to catch up on work

•·.·Madeleine's POV·.·•

'I wish I could easily confess my love to Espresso'

'But I don't know how they would react.. I mean, they might not trust me enough yet.. It may cause them to get super uncomfortable and hide in their house for a few more days'

I sighed and started to daydream about Espresso

'Why do I have to love them so much..'

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I was about to walk to my lab until I hallucinated my parents again

This time, it looked so real

I started having a panic attack

"LEAVE ME ALONE" I exclaimed

The hallucination just giggled

My sobs got a little loud

I sat down, went into a fetal position, and sobbed even more

I heard a knock on the door, but I was too scared to even care

Eventually, the hallucination disappeared

"Espresso, it's me. Are you alright?" I heard Madeleine say in a worried tone

I wiped my tears, went to the door, and opened it

"Is it alright if I hug you?" Madeleine asked

'I guess I trust him enough..'

"Mhm" I hummed

Then he hugged me

I got a warm feeling inside

My heart started racing like crazy

'Can it not do that right now'

"What happened?" Madeleine asked softly

"I hallucinated my parents" I said while trying not to sob again

"I'm so sorry.. Do you want medicine that'll help with hallucinations?"

"You have some?"


"Alright.. I want some"

"Alright! I'll go get it. Be right back"

He left, then I closed the door and locked it

'His hug made me feel so warm inside..'

'I love him so much..'

I sighed

'I never would've expected trusting someone this easily.. Though, I started feeling safe around him'

'I wonder if he'll try to help me with my phobia'

.•*•.•*•. .•*•.•*•.

I heard a knock on the door, so I looked through the peep hole

I opened it since I saw Madeleine

He gave me the medicine, then I thanked him

"Do you wanna hang out? Or do you need some alone time?" Madeleine asked

"I just need some alone time. I'm still shaken up. I'll tell you when I'm able to hang out" I replied

"Alright! Bye Espresso"

"Bye Madeleine"

Then he left

I closed the door and locked it

I went to my couch and wrapped myself in my blanket

I heard a knock on my door, but I just ignored it


I heard another knock, so I just got up and looked through the peep hole

I saw two random cookies that looked awfully familiar, but I couldn't figure out who they are

"Espresso, we know your in there. The coffee aroma gives it all away" One of them said

'How the fuck do they know my name-??'

'Whatever. I'm not opening the door. I can only trust 4 cookies'

I went to my room to get away from the door

•·.·Coffee Cake's POV (my oc)·.·•

"I can't believe our son is continuing this 'pistanthrophobia' shit still" I said with a scoff

"He's just seeking attention" Macchiato said (my oc)

(btw these cookies are espresso's bio parents)

"How annoying"

"If only other cookies knew that he's lying about this shit. Pistanthrophobia isn't even real" (they arent lying. a literal doctor said that they have it)

"Yeah.. Also, do you have the sleeping gas ready?"

"Not yet. I still need to make it"


Me and Macchiato saw a cookie, so we quickly left

•·.·Madeleine's POV·.·•

'Oh, those cookies looked exactly like Espresso's bio parents'

'I remember seeing them around'



I quickly went to Espresso's door and knocked quickly

An annoyed Espresso opened the door


"MY WHAT?" Espresso exclaimed


678 Words

a/n maybe espresso's nightmare in the first chapter was foreshadowing.. 😏

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