Chapter 5

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I somehow got a decent sleep without getting any nightmares

I stretched, put on my glasses, and got out of bed

Then I heard a knock on the door

'Who's coming here at this hour..'

I went to the door and looked through the peep hole

When I saw Madeleine, my heart started racing

'Not again.. This whole heart racing thing is irritating me '

I let out a quiet sigh, then I opened the door

"I'm surprised you came early" I said

"I don't have to go on a patrol today, so I decided to come early" Madeleine said

"Ohh ok"

I took the box of donuts and the cup of coffee that he brought

"Do you mind if I stay? I wanna help you warm up to me a bit more" Madeleine said

I thought for a bit

"You can stay" I said

He smiled and entered

I closed the door and sat on the couch

"Did you get anything for yourself?" I asked

"I ate before delivering the stuff to you" Madeleine said (omg he ate)


Then he sat on the couch

As I ate my donuts, he started talking about stories from his patrols

Honestly, they were interesting

'I'm starting to trust him.. Maybe I should tell him that I was raised by a dragon for some of my life'

"Madeleine, I have something to say" I said

"Hm?" He hummed

"So.. Remember when I went missing for like 10 years in the Republic..?"

"Oh yea. I was so happy to see you when I saw you here, but you just ran away from me and every cookie in your path"

"Oh that. I was just scared. Anyways, my parents abandoned me in Dragon's Valley. Pitaya Dragon saw me and decided to adopt me. So I was raised by a dragon for those 10 years"

Madeleine looked shocked

"That's so cool!" He said in an excited tone

I chuckled and sipped on my coffee

"I had to build up the courage to say that" I said

"And I'm glad you did" Madeleine smiled

I smiled, then I felt my face get hot

'Oh god this is embarrassing'

I noticed that Madeleine's face also looked a bit red


I realized that looking at his face was a bad idea because I got lost in his sapphire blue eyes

'He's so.. hot'

'..Why am I thinking these things'

'Well, it IS true'

'His eyes are just.. Wonderful'

'He's just so beautiful..'

'Wait.. Oh no he probably thinks I'm being weird'

"Helloooo" I heard Madeleine say

I snapped out of my thoughts

"Sorry, I was just zoned out" I said while feeling my face get hotter

•·.·Madeleine's POV·.·•

'Is there a chance that they share the same feelings as me..?'

'I recently figured out that I have a crush on them, but I never thought that there was a chance that they'd have a crush on me'

'I really hope they do.. I love them so much'

'I just wanna kiss them under the stars and rest my head on their shoulder'

"Uhh, Madeleine" I heard Espresso say

'Shit. Have I been staring at them for too long?'

I snapped out of my thoughts

"Sorry, I guess I zoned out as well" I said with a nervous chuckle

"Eh, it happens" Espresso shrugged


It was a little awkward for a while

I just started talking about stories and stuff like that

Espresso seemed to be interested in them

The fact that they were interested in my stories gave me a warm feeling inside

•·.·A few hours later, Espresso's POV·.·•

When Madeleine left, I sighed

'Why do I keep feeling these feelings..'

'I keep getting lost in his eyes..'

'Why is this happening'

I decided to search up the feelings I was feeling

When I saw the results, I was shocked

'It says I could be in love.. But I just started warming up to Madeleine'

I thought for a moment

'..Maybe I am in love'


670 Words

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