Chapter 2

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I was practicing my magic when I started getting hallucinations

That lead to me having a big panic attack (poor espresso)

"STAY BACK" I exclaimed

Of course, it didn't stay back considering how I was hallucinating my parents

I started sobbing

Then I heard a knock on my door

"NO" I exclaimed

•·.·Madeleine's POV·.·•

My worrying got worse

'Why are they sobbing.. What's going on..?'

"STAY AWAY" I heard Espresso exclaim

'Yep I'm interfering'

I noticed that the door was unlocked, so I opened it to see Espresso just staring at air and trembling

"Espresso-" I stopped

"GAH" They exclaimed

"STAY BACK. I CANNOT TRUST YOU" They continued while summoning a flaming coffee bean

"Why not? It's a knight commander's duty to help cookies in need!" I said

"I haven't been able to trust anyone in YEARS. HOW CAN I TRUST YOU TOO?"

I started feeling bad for them

"Do you wanna talk about anything?" I asked

"How do I know you won't tell other cookies like everyone else? Everyone always shares my secrets with others. Then they all use that to mistreat me even more." Espresso said while backing away

"I won't, Espresso. I'm not like that"

"That's what they all say. Then a few seconds later, I'm a fool for opening up and trusting others"

They walked towards the door and shut it in my face

Then they went back to sobbing

'Trouble trusting others.. I think I've heard of that'

'I have to help them! This fear will eat them alive! I just can't let them suffer. They've been like this for so long'

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

The hallucinations disappeared, but I was still having a panic attack

'I opened up too much'

I went into a fetal position and sobbed more

'I'm so stupid.. This is how everything went downhill back then.. I opened up to cookies I thought I could trust, then they backstabbed me'


I looked at the cookies in front of me

"Aww having little issues at home?" One of them asked with a mocking voice

"How did you know??" I asked

"Remember when you stupidly told me your issues because you thought you could trust me?" I heard a cookie ask

My eyes widened

"He looks so scared!" One of the cookies said

All of the cookies started laughing


Their laughter echoed in my head as I sobbed

'Get out of my head..'

Then I started overthinking

'Madeleine's gonna tell a few cookies.. And they will all laugh'

Laughter just echoed in my head as I continued to sob


430 Words

a/n emo

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