Chapter 4

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

After some walking, me and Madeleine went back home

I quickly avoided any interaction, then when I got to my house, I shut the door and locked it

'That was.. Nice.. I haven't been able to trust anyone else in years'

Then I got another flashback


(decided to change my style for flashbacks)

I fought back tears as I got betrayed.. Again

I opened up again.. And got betrayed

"Your so foolish.. I thought you learned your lesson the first time" Someone said

"Nobody would listen to someone like you anyways" Another cookie said

"Your just a dumb little coffee cookie. No one could ever love you" Another cookie said

I ended up sobbing

"Now you're sobbing. How pathetic can you get?" A cookie chuckled

"Let's go. This rat is making me lose brain cells" Another cookie said

Then they all walked away, leaving me to stand there and sob about something that could've been avoided if I wasn't so dumb

✧༺End of flashback༻✧

I tried not to sob

'I didn't want to remember that.. why'

The negative words echoed in my head

'..Maybe I am foolish'

'What if it was a bad idea to open up to Madeleine..'

I sighed

'Maybe visiting Pitaya will help.. If Cream Unicorn is there, they can help too'

'I haven't seen them in a while.. Might as well visit'

I went to my room so I could get into thinner clothes and change into them

.•*•.•*•. .•*•.•*•.

When I changed and teleported, I sighed

'The heat of Dragon's Valley.. I don't miss it much'

"ESPRESSO??" I heard someone say

I turned and saw Mala Sauce

"Why so shocked?" I smiled

"I didn't expect to see you here" She said

"I'm just having.. Phobia issues.. So I came to visit"

"Oh. Would you like a hug?"


Mala Sauce hugged me, then I hugged her back

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