Chapter 5 Pain

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Chapter 5 Pain

Third person POV.

Freya shuffles on her feet as she tries to hide her jealousy, hurt, depressed expression on her face. Her arms are crossed over her chest as she also tried not to look so pissed that they would even consider doing that in her room. Literally Wally's room is two rooms down from hers. 

Wally eyes widen big as he realizes what she means by that, "HOLY SHIT!" he yells out in his head. He hit his forehead.

"Oh shit I can't believe I forgot- wait are you ok? I heard a thud... did you hit your head? Again" He smirks towards Freya, but stops smiling instantly when he sees her face.

Right away Wally knew something was wrong with Freya, she would have blushed and looked away from him with her cute fiery red cheeks because of his comment, but she didn't and he didn't like that. He liked seeing her cheeks heat up because of him, it's cute.

She shuffles on her feet and nods her head slightly before speaking, "Yeah. I'm fine.” Her voice sounds so blank and morbid, like there was nothing there. Well she felt dead inside. But the way she spoke got his attention even more...

When Freya does speak, Wally tends to make sure to listen to everything she has to say; if she looked like she was going to say something but gets cut off by someone, he would make sure he heard what she had to say even if it's after a fifteen minutes meeting. It usually ends up with her saying it's nothing and quickly changing the topic. He has been making sure he could hear her since the two had met the first time. She hardly talks so when she does it makes him… happy for some reason. He didn't understand how her voice could be so calming to him; it just does. He tends to seek her out everytime he comes to mount justices so he could hear her voice. When he is stressed, he just needs to hear her voice and he is calmed and relaxed back down. Her voice is so calming and relaxing that it calms him down instantly. Whatever was bothering him is washed away so fast and just because of her voice. With that, he has kind of got great at telling if something was wrong with her.

Just like all nine of her soulmates, they felt something weird with Freya. Wally always always has to listen to her voice as Dick would always try to make eye contact with her and when he didn’t he felt just off, weird like. Aqualad had a thing where whenever she would look at him, he would smile at her, he just had to and when he didn't, he felt like shit for hours on end if he didn't smile at her. For Conner he would just sit beside her when they both become the loners. If she would be leaning on the wall alone just watching boredly, he would do the same either if he's close to her or far away from her. No one knows why, he doesn't even know why. He just does it.

For Batman aka Bruce Wayne he stares at her under his masks trying to figure out the dots. She has never been in a room with Bruce Wayne… well she has but he has always been in the Batman suit and she doesn't know that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Sadly for Clark Kent and Barry Allen she has never met them… in a way. Bruce was on the news a lot as the other two weren't known well enough.

Yes Clark is Superman as Barry is the Flash, but all she dreams about is the dorky nerdy Barry Allen and Clark Kent not Superman or the Flash. When Clark is Superman, he tends to get close to Freya either when she is in her main suit or when she's just in her normal clothes he tends to stay close to her. No one really has clued in on that, they haven't either.

For Barry aka the Flash he tends to wink at her whenever they lock eyes with her or... for some reason he brings back rocks or slight souvenirs for her. At this point all he needs to do is give her the sign for her to place her hand out for him and when she does, he would walk or run past her and place the rock or thing in her hands and he is gone or somewhere else in the same room . He would either wait and see her happy, or happy and excited expression or vainision from sight.

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