Chapter 9 Gash

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Warning: this chapter contains violence

Chapter 9 Gash

Third person POV.

Freya’s body was thrown into the woods, breaking through trees: only stopping when her left shoulder hit a rock, and then she just fell to the ground forcefully: ripping more of the air in her lungs away from her.

She doesn't lay on the ground long. She gets her body flipped onto its front, and crawls away from the rock towards the stump that's closest to her and helps herself up on it, as she coughs, gasps, chokes for air, and cries waterless cries.

She sits there on the stump to rest as long as she can before she has to go back there to help her teammates: who are semi getting their ass kicked by Cree.

She listens in on what's happening out there.

She knows that: Wally, Aqualad and Zatanna fought against the strong alien as Dick was trying to wake Conner up, but like before he won't wake until his body is placed into Mount Justices, so they are stuck without his help.

She sat there for maybe another minute before she heard Dick’s body fall to the ground and that's what got her back onto the road fighting Cree again.

The only people who are still fighting against Cree would be Wally, Aqualad, Zatanna and her now. Dick and Conner are out cold; one not waking up until he gets back home, and the other could wake up, but he’s probably not going to.

Shadow was doing her best to keep her teammate and her safe as they fought Cree.

They were doing semi good, but they could’ve been doing better in this fight. It was harder for Freya since Zatanna didn't get the memo to stop attacking her as they fought Cree off.

She had to dodge both Cree’s blood thirsty attack for her, alongside Zatanna's magic and tried attacks.

She was getting more and more fed up with everything.

She knew if she had dealt with this alone, her way, it wouldn't be like this. She would’ve had him in-control; talked to him; fought him maybe; she doesn't know. She just knows that it wouldn't be like this.

“Watch OUT!”

Freya raises her eyebrow and looks to Aqualad fast, as her eyes land onto him, something slams into her from behind lifting her from the ground and into the air. The hit knocks once again the air out of her burning lungs.

Cree had snuck up behind her when she got distracted with both Zatanna’s magic and Aqualads call out. Her body went into the sky and came tumbling down towards Cree's wide open mouth ready for her.

She didn't have time to react or get herself out of this situation or get into a better one before her upper body was in his mouth in seconds. Her feet hit the ground hard as her upper body was in the big alien freakish big sharp mouth.

Aqualad's eyes widen when he sees the creature's teeth sink into Shadow.

He could hear her masks crack and them whimper out. He sees her move as much as she could in his mouth, but that was hardly any, and he couldn’t just sit back and let that happen? He couldn't.

He could hear them whimper so he pushes up from the ground and rushes over towards the two.

Freya whimpers out as his teeths sinks deeper into her body causing her black blood to flow right into his mouth and down his throat.

Cree wanted more.

She groans and screams through the pain as she moves the arm that's in his mouth already and sticks it down his throat, making his teeth sink deeper in her, and causing the already biggish deep gash to rip even bigger in her arms. She tightens her hand into a fist and closes her eyes as she feels ever so slightly Cree’s teeth graze her right eye.

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