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Monday morning came with the promise of another week with a busy schedule. One by one the members gathered in the kitchen and a rather chaotic breakfast ensued. Minho was yelling about someone eating the last of his favorite cereal, while Seungmin look very pleased with himself. Hyunjin looked half asleep while eating his selection of fresh fruit, and groaned about everyone being too damn loud this early. Jisung skipped breakfast all together and opted for an americano instead. He was talking non stop with Felix about some tiktok trend, and Chan ignored the two as he started making eggs for him and I.N.

As soon as they entered the JYP building they separated into their sub units to work. I.N and Seungmin were in high spirits and left for the upper floor waving their goodbyes. Danceracha headed for their usual practice room, lead by an determined looking Minho. He was in charge of making their new dance routines, and he intended them to be good.

In 3RACHA's small studio, it soon became clear that the boys were in different head spaces work wise. Changbin was ready to record his guide, Jisung needed to work on the lyrics of his rap, while Chan had to figure out the track he was working on. The hook was missing something and the bass line just seemed a bit off. After Changbin left, the two worked on in silent frustration.

Jisung started sighing more and more frequently, before he finally left to sulk in the dance studio instead. Chan knew there was nothing he could do to help the younger with his writers block. Jisung would simply have to find the solution himself, as he would write and re-write the lyrics until they became the as smooth and expressive as he wanted them. The man was a genius, but he was a genius that had to work hard, and Chan respected him for never giving up until Jiusng had found the perfect sound for Stray Kids.

In the afternoon all the members gathered in the lobby. "I know you're all working very hard on this comeback and I promised you that you would get a reward today", Chan said looking at all his kids. "I have booked a private room at the Korean barbecue place you all like so much."

"That is today?!" Hyunjin whined. "I hardly have any make up on!"

Changbin rolled his eyes. "Do you even read the schedule Chan sends out?"

"Come on, you don't need make up to eat". Felix patted the long haired on his back.

"You're right. I look breathtaking no matter what", Hyunjin grinned and took Felix' hand in his.

Chan bit his teeth together and cleared his throat. "I won't be coming with you tonight. You guys should enjoy your reward, but I have to get this track done. Minho – you're in charge. Make sure they behave."

Minho glared at the group and said: "They better, or else there won't be barbecue on the menu, but tissue paper." Hyunjin quickly decided to turn down the drama and gulped, while I.N laughed at his expression.

"Bet you're happy we have a room at home, dedicated as a studio now, huh?" Jisung grinned. "Say "Thank you, Jisung"". He puffed out his cheeks and make a cute face.

"Yeah, because that's the reason why you gave up your room" Seungmin said under his breath. Chan just ignored the comment and turned to walk back to the apartment, once again alone. He was determent to get the most out of his time in the vacated apartment. He needed to let go of his stress, and he knew how to do it.

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