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Bang Chan couldn't sleep. The apartment was quiet – he assumed the members were sleeping. He hoped his kids rested well, while they could.

Tomorrow would be a turning point for them, no matter how the members reacted. He desperately hoped they would accept his proposal, without demanding to much explanation. This was going to require more from him as a leader then he had ever experienced before, and that scared him.

The air in his room felt stuffy, so he got up from his bed where he had been twisting and turning, unable to escape reality. The night breeze felt soothing when he opened the window. He looked out without really seeing anything – it was just shadows out there.

He decided to get something to drink and left for the kitchen. But the kitchen wasn't empty. Felix was sitting by the table, all alone. He looked up at Chan and simply asked: "Can't sleep?"

Chan didn't know what to do. What to say. He hadn't really spoken to Felix since the party. The small speech about the family meeting didn't count. "Yeah," he somehow pushed past his lips as he demanded that his body started moving again. You know how to walk, Chan. You've done it since you were one year old. He didn't know what to do with his body. How the hell could he be so uneasy in the presence of sweet Lix? It hurt.

"Me either." Felix eyes returned to the table in front of him. "Felix, I..." Chan started but Felix interrupted him. "No, Chan. Don't. Look, I will be at the family meeting tomorrow, because I can't imagine you would call a meeting because of this." He moved his hands pointing to Chan and himself repeatedly. "I guess something else is going on, and I'll be there. I'll be civil, promise."

Felix body looked so small where he was sitting. Chan wanted so, so much to lift him up, carry him away from the kitchen and into the living room so he could place him on his lap and embrace him properly. He wanted to drape the boy in the biggest blanket he could find and pull Felix' head gently towards him until the younger rested his head in the crook of his neck. In a sudden flash he felt a burning jelousy towards Jisung who had had the privilege to comfort Felix. The jealousy was quickly replaced with a devastating guilt, because it was his own fault that Felix had need the consolation to begin with.

Felix wasn't sure what kind of reaction he had expected from Chan, but it wasn't the silence now stretching between them. He stood up from his chair, preparing to leave. "Try to get some rest, even if you can't actually sleep, Chan" No matter how things were between them, Felix couldn't stop himself from caring.

"You too. And... thank you, Felix." Felix thought Chan's voice sounded strained, but he didn't have the energy to analyze it. He wanted to be back in the safety of his room. "Anything for Stray Kids," he muttered as he left the elder to himself.

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