-51- The Christopher Chapter

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Authors note: This chapter is dedicated to 8matryoshkas. Be sure to check out their stories here on Wattpad. <8

The erotic tension between the two boyfriends lasted all the way to Chan's room, but when he opened the door and stepped inside his face fell. Had he opened the wrong door? The room was lit by gods knew how many candles and by the smell, some of them was scented. Was that cherry blossom? His bed was made up in dark purple linen he didn't even recognize. Felix grabbed his hand gently. "Do you like it? It was so kind of you to take us out for dinner, and I wanted to do something nice for us as well." He shrugged. "Well technically I didn't do it, but Sungie owed me so he set up everything I got yesterday." Felix smiled sweetly and Chan desperately tried to change his mental gear. "It's...great. Really. Uhm... did you want soft and romantic, because we can totally...hmgf." Felix had put his index finger on Chan's lips and made a shush noise. Chan kept quiet, waiting for Felix next move while he drowned in those dark eyes.

"I want you to trust your gut and do what you want to do. I trust you, I want you and I need you. Don't think too much, Christopher." Chan wasn't sure how to turn off his over active mind and just act on instinct like Felix wanted him to, but when his boyfriend smirked at him and said "please" with his eyebrow raised, Chan knew that he wanted to kiss Felix silly. So he did.

He was on Felix in an instant, pressing his lips hard against those red, shiny lips. Felix responded by opening his mouth to invite Christopher inside. He so desperately wanted Chris inside him, any way possible. He felt his back slam into the door, hard this time, and then his arms were above his head. Christopher had grabbed him by the wrists and pinned him against the door with his body . Their lips kept moving, and Christopher explored his mouth with his tongue. Felix knew the elder was the strongest of the two of them. He didn't want to get free, but the knowledge that he couldn't break free turned him on even more than he had expected. He let out a moan of pleasure and heard his boyfriend chuckle. "You like that, little one?" Christopher taunted him. "Yes, Sir."

Felix' breathless answer made Chan's dick twitch. Fuck, he really like it when Felix called him that. He changed his grip so could hold on to Felix wrists with just one hand. Then he grabbed Felix by the jaw and turned his head to the side, exposing his neck. He kissed the flawless skin there, going slowly down. He could hear Felix' breath hitching and when he bit him he could feel his boy shiver from top to bottom. Chan put his leg between his boyfriend's legs, pushing his hip against Felix' groin. The move made the younger let out a load gasp.

Chan started to work his way up Felix neck, all the way to his ear. When Felix felt Christopher's breath there, followed by a gentle bite he moaned and closed his eyes. His thoughts were getting scrambled in the best possible way – now he was succumbing to his senses, free falling into his own desire. "What do you want, little one? Say it!" Christopher's low seductive voice was challenging him, demanding an answer. Felix knew his boyfriend would never go too far. He trusted him completely, so he gave his honest answer without any doubt. "I want you to use me for your own pleasure, Sir."

Chan's head spun. They were playing with fire now. His whole body was burning with desire and need. He had never felt anything like this. The urge within him to take Felix and make him his was overwhelming. It felt primal. He kissed him again, and their kiss was feverish. Felix started to wiggle his hips so Christopher's hip could rub against this dick, but the elder punished him by letting him go and stepping back. The blond whined and opened his eyes, to see where his boyfriend had gone.

"Undress for me," Christopher commanded, and Felix hurried to obey. He lost the jacket, shirt and pants as fast as he could. Then he slowed down, enjoying how he was exposing himself while his boyfriend was still fully clothed.

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