-08- The Dance Practice

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The next days Chan completely ignored Felix, just as he had promised himself.

The members of Stray Kids was used to Chan being a workaholic and insomniac, but this time he took it to a whole new level.

He left for JYP before the others in the morning, skipping a real breakfast with his friends, for a couple of protein bars alone on the way. At lunchtime he would make excuses, so he didn't have to join them in the cafeteria. He stayed at the company or went to the gym, rather than having dinner with the others. If he couldn't do that, he hid in his room with take away. After all, he was a big eater and needed energy to keep going.

Whenever he had to be in the same room as Felix, he avoided speaking to him directly or even looking at him. Therefore he missed the younger's confused and hurt expression. Chan didn't see how many times Jisung held his best friend's hand to support and soothe him. If Chan had to communicate with Felix, he did it in text or through the other members.

But there was one thing Chan couldn't escape – dance practice.

Minho had finished one of the new dance choreographies, and they had practiced in small groups. The next step now was to work on the routine together as a group. They had to change positions a lot, and it needed to be precise and smooth.

They started from the beginning and worked on the song in parts, first making sure the intro was under control, before they went on to the hook and so on. The beat was quick and they worked hard, as they always did. Stray kids took their work seriously. They wanted STAY to be proud.

It didn't take long before they were sweating, and a few pieces of clothing was thrown away, mostly hoodies. Felix had on shorts and a sleeveless tee that was clinging to him from the moisture. Chan tried to concentrate on his moves. He tried to concentrate on the transitions. But then he slipped up and watched Felix in the reflection of the mirror.

Chan was already a bit short of breath, but he could feel his breathing faltering him for real now. His throat felt dry. He stared at the blonde – his skin, his muscles, his slender waist, his arms.

Oh my god – his arms! Because of the exercise they were doing his veins were slightly popping. The blond hair was starting to get wet and was clinging to his forehead. And just like that Chan locked eyes with him. Felix stared back.

And Felix fell.

On his ass.

Looking directly into Chan's eyes for the first time in gods knew how many days was just too much. Felix knew very well how attractive Chan looked while dancing. It wasn't his body that made everything else fade – it was the gaze. Bang Chan was looking at Felix with such sadness and longing. He was so intense, Felix felt like if he was being consumed.

So he messed up the timing of the beat, turned to the wrong side, tripped over Hyunjin's foot and fell down backwards.

Changbin snickered, while Minho looked pissed. "Lee Felix. You should know this by now. Get your head in the game! Come on!" Felix got to his feet, helped by Seungmin who looked totally unfazed by the incident. Hyunjin on the other hand was complaining to the room at large: "Is he trying to kill me?!"

Chan continued to look at Felix who was mumbling an apology to Minho. The boy was clearly embarrassed and his eyes looked shiny. Was that tears?

His chest was burning. He wanted to go over to Felix and wrap him in his arms and protect him from everything. To be a safe place for him. Clenching his jaw shut, he stood frozen in his spot, until Minho called out for them to get into positions again.

They got through the chorus without any hiccups, and then it was time for the bridge and the second hook. All the members were getting a bit tired at this point, from the constant physical activity combined with the mental task of learning something new.

Jisung however, felt his mind drifting back to how the main dancer had fell down earlier. His best friend had looked so flustered and it wasn't like him to mess up that badly. And since not paying attention is how you get in trouble – this time Jisung ruined the transition.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Jisung felt really stupid. "I didn't mean to do that and I swear I know this move. I'm so sorry." The apologies kept gushing from him as he was talking faster and faster. Minho approached him quickly and put his hands on his shoulders. "Don't worry about it, Sungie. It's a difficult choreography, but I know you can do this. Relax!" The purple haired was trying to catch Jisung's eyes while he was smiling softly.

What. The. Actual. Fuck?!

Chan stared at Minho in disbelief. Felix fucked up and got told off, but when Jisung fucked up he got a literal pat on the back and a smile? Chan wasn't going to stand for it.

"Lee fucking Minho! What the fuck, man? I give you a lot of freedom, but that does not include the freedom to be biased." Chan was fuming with anger, and didn't notice how everyone in the room tensed up instantly. Angry Chan was scary Chan.

"Chan hyeong, I do what's..."

The leader interrupted the second oldest right away. "Shut up! We're trough for the day. You're all dismissed." With that he headed straight for the door, already knowing that his temper had gotten the best of him and that he should leave before he said anything more crass that he would regret later. He heard "As you wish, hyeong" in Minho's sarcastic voice as the reached the door, but he just kept walking.

The other members exchanged looks, now that they were left to themselves. "What just happened," asked Hyunjin bewildered. "You just got the afternoon off," Seungmin answered. "Why don't you go and paint something?" Hyunjin's face lit up. "Want to model for me?" Seungmin looked taken aback at first, but then he just shrugged. "Sure. Why not." The two left while the tallest talked about the different advantages between water colours and oil paint. The puppy looked like he already regretted his decision.

In the corner, I.N was finding it hard to put on a happy face, after seeing his leader so angry. Changbin noticed how the maknae was struggling and offered to buy him ice cream. Seeing how calm and collected Changbin was, made I.N feel safe. If Changbin didn't think it was necessary to worry, I.N would let the topic rest and just enjoy going to the icecream shop. He wondered how many scoops of ice cream he would get out of this. He was the maknea on top, after all.

Next to the stereo Jisung, Felix and Minho was gathered. The latter was putting his belongings into his bag, and by the movement it was clear that the purple haired was angry, but keeping his composure. Jisung felt conflicted. Minho was upset, but so was Felix. The Australian hadn't said anything since Chan's outburst, but he was moving stiffly and stared vacantly like he wasn't really seeing his surroundings at all.

"Minho" he begun after making a decision. "I think I should take Lixi somewhere we can't run into Chan, and talk to him." Jisung knew he would have the opportunity to talk to Minho later in the evening, or after bedtime, so the right thing would be to focus on his twin first.

Minho looked at Jisung for a few seconds before answering. "Cat cafe. I need to talk to someone intelligent anyway, and that grey tabby cat might be it."

Jisung didn't take his answer as an insult, but gave the older a half smile. He linked his arm with Felix' and simply said: "Hey Lixie. You're coming with us." The blonde didn't answer or acknowledge that he had understood what his twin was saying, but simply let himself be led out of the practice room.

How could Chan go from ice cold to that?

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