Chapter 1

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Madeline Love

It was dark, I could barely see as the rain poured outside dampening the fall leaves that surrounded me. The slight frost on the windshield chilled me as to my luck, the heat broke. I cursed myself for neglecting to take my car into the shop.

From the looks of my situation, it wasn't looking good. I was on reserved fuel, my phone gave out 30 minutes ago and I was driving aimlessly back to school. I regretted the decision to drive so late and in such poor conditions. But I had to leave the chaos back at home.

I regretted visiting my family. I love my parents, I really do. I felt like I owed them after a 4-month stretch. But they treated me as usual, like an afterthought. Spending the entire time disagreeing on everything.

My engine made a funky sound signaling my car was struggling. I needed to get gas somewhere with water and by the sound my stomach made, food. But of course driving through the woods, somewhere is nowhere. I should've gone back with Sloan when she offered. Her car had heat and most likely a full tank of gas... maybe even snacks.

Even in a state of mind like this, Lana Del Rey, the one who typically kept me sane, was not soothing my anxiety as it further kicked in. I was going to fucking die out here. I was the nearby wolf's next meal, I knew my fate before it was even sealed.

There had to be a gas station somewhere, anywhere. It was mostly trees, not a street light in sight as I relied on my high beams. Even if the street light was practically dead it would still show signs of life and the possibility of mine not ending in the near future.

Was I being dramatic?

One hundred percent. But I was seriously lost and about to be some animal's dinner in the middle of god knows where. I needed guidance, but the sound of the rain distracted me as my gas was wasted on useless driving.

If possible, the rain pounded harder against the windshield just begging to burst through. I wanted to call someone, but with a dead phone and probably spotty service it would be a good while til I could. I honestly just wanted, no I needed a hug.

It was like Lila vs the world and the world was really kicking my ass right about now. Even if I got a charger, and service and called my father he'd scold me for my carelessness while Mom would panic.

They just couldn't keep it together while I was visiting. My entire life it's just been their fights back and forth and I just looked over as if I was nothing to them. As a kid I never had a normal Christmas list, mine wouldn't consist of some toy I wanted or clothes.

It would be the request of my parents to not fight anymore, at least in front of me or for the holiday.

Why they never divorced each other was something I'd never understand. Maybe because in the Catholic Church, it's frowned upon. My mom was always my biggest supporter in every way. She was my best friend, but my dad was a different story.

He was a sexist man, and definitely wanted a boy rather than, 'his little girl'. My mom wasn't able to have any more children after me, but she didn't mind. I was all she needed.

I heard a loud thud behind me and turned to see the branches blocking the roads behind me as the wind picked up. It reminded me of when I was a child, a Hurricane was swirling outside on the east coast with the winds picking up at home. A tree fell right through the power line and everything was dark.

But now I watched as the sky grew with light as streaks of lightning cut through it. Well, you know what they say Lila.

"Safest place to be during a thunderstorm is a car!" But right about now, it wasn't feeling that way. If anything I felt the most unsafe.

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