Chapter 32

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Ace Rossi

I left the kitchen quickly, the call I've been waiting for was now on the other end of my phone. I walked into my study and shut the door locking it behind me facing the floor the ceiling window that held the city infront of me

"Talk to me Alistair" my fathers second in command besides me, and within a matter of days I would be the one he reports to

"She can't come" his voice was stone cold but this was the news that I dreaded

"Why can't she come, won't she be more safe with me there instead of New York"

"They'll kill her" the words leaving his mouth left an icey chill down my body "she's vulnerable to you, our enemies will kill her first... she's who Enzo would be after Ace"

"Fuck Enzo and fuck this I can't go-"

"You cannot turn down this job, it was what you've been trained to do your entire life. It's a bloodline and there is nobody after you, someone's already set to marry-"

"I won't be marrying anyone who isn't Madeline, I'll make sure of it. I'd rather die than be forced into a marriage, can't we protect her?" He was silent on the other line

"Sir I've tried every loophole, the second you move back to Italy full time to take over and set aside your career to take on this. They'll use her to get to you if she's here, New York might not even be safe either. We have a safe house-"

"She's not going anywhere without me, I'd rather have her at my place in the city than a random country" I sank into my chair

"When can she come?" I was met with silence again "she can't be with me can't she?"

"In time, but how much time I'm unsure... it might be years. There is only one acception-"

"Name it"

"Sir it's beyond my breach to say, your father has stopped me from going further into detail" I scoffed

"Well by next Friday evening, you won't be reporting to my father now won't you? You'll be working for me Alistair?"

"And for now, until that Friday I am under command of Stefano Rossi sir. You would be endangering her, you would be risking her life" he was quiet once again but I could sense he was holding something back

"Say it"

"With the recent media reports on Miss Love. Her heart is incredible weak is it not?" I didn't know what to say, but I hated to agree "Her charts were faxed over, you'd be putting her health on the line, now I'm going to say something and say it once" he cleared his throat

"If you love someone Ace, you let them go and protect them. She deserves happiness and not this life, she's an ordinary girl from Boston, she's not a mafia-"

"She's not ordinary" I objected, now he was just trying to frustrate me "I get it okay, but she's not just some girl from Boston. I know I have to leave, thank you for trying"

"Mr.Rossi I am very sorry, there's not much we can do without the result of her death" his voice was again stone cold, as if Madeline Love didn't mean anything to anyone, like she wasn't a human being

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