Chapter 28

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Madeline Love

Ace walked back into the room after mom, something upset him about my parents argument, i could see it on his face "I have home videos!" my eyes shifted to my mothers smirk

"Not the home videos mom" I groaned knowingly "trust me nobody wants to see me naked in a diaper painting on a canvas as you speak to me"

"That's just one of the videos, we can skip it!" I swear Beth and her home videos, being an only child called for hundreds of them

She basically filmed my childhood, well the most important moments "just the Christmas ones!"

"We don't have a projector" a knock came at the door with Della struggling to hold a bag

"That's what I bring" she smiled at me grateful "looks like someone's awake, gave us quite the scare last night Love!" Her smile was bright as she walked in "guessing the cats outta the bag?"

"You knew?" Ace boasted and Adeline looked at him giving him a slight shrug which caused me to laugh

"I just figured it out, see this is why I should be a detective guys I'm telling you! I could be the next Spencer Reid! Better than that Olivia Benson!"

"Too bad you didn't go to college for criminal Justice and fashion instead" Ace said in a snarky tone

"Atleast in making millions at 20 than possibly getting killed in my 30s!" She argued and Liza took the projector from her hands

Her phone buzzed and she looked at it passing the projector to mom leaving the room "oh okay?" Which led to Ace sitting up again to help her with it

"Ace you don't need to-" he took the projector propping it up facing it towards the door where a screen was being placed

"This is going to be humiliating isn't it" I questioned mom as a smile grew on her face followed by tears

"I didn't know if I was going to be lucky enough to embarrass you" with that my eyes watered to

"Not the home videos" her voice was heard in the hall "I come all the way from the states to visit Lila and blessed to hear she's awake for-" she stepped into the room glaring at my mom "home videos?"

Aunt Jen was gorgeous as usual, she had strawberry blonde hair with raven eyes and bright red lips. She was wearing her classic ugly Christmas sweater with bell bottoms

"Would it be Christmas without them Jen?" Liza urged and she turned to me

"Don't pull this crap anymore, who's gonna be my best woman!" Jen quickly came to me engulfing me with her arms

"Best woman? She's going to be my maid of honor!" Liza commented

"Well you both have a month to sort this situation out" their wedding was January 20th in the icy season back in New Haven at the Sterling Memorial Library

The lights flicked off and the screen presented me at precisely 3 years of age with a present the size of me in hand "go on, open it Madeline!" My mothers voice behind the camera

I was prompt next to the tree surrounded by gifts in red wrapping paper as I sat their clueless "mummy!" I laughed at my mother for taping me as I have since she started the home videos ending when I left for college. But by then it was just birthday videos

"Go on open it" she urged again as I unwrapped it painfully slow, I unveiled a dark pink box with stars on the side as I heard my mom cheer excitedly

I flipped the box to be met with a doll named Molly, it was an American Girl Doll. As my mom explains she always wanted one when she was a child but her family couldn't afford it. So for each Christmas and birthday I was spoiled with one

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