Chapter 14

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Madeline Love

The ride there wasn't as long as usual. Once my SIM card was back in, my phone flooded in with messages. Not just from my mom, Ben or Liza but from Liv

I didn't want to read them, it's been months and now she texts me? I scoffed at the preview of the text hey I know it's been awhile but are you with Ace Ros...

"What is it?" I looked up to him, he was eyeing every part of me down to my white high socks. I don't know why or what was wrong with me but his costume was looking almost too good

"Nothing, just an old friend bugging me"

"Liv?" I nodded slowly

"The bitch never texts me, doesn't want me to meet her serious boyfriend and then now after being out with you she texts. Nothing, not a word ever, one of my biggest supports was GONE, fake friend" I sneered upset

"I already don't like her" he grumbled crossing his arms in a dramatic way causing me to laugh "she's great I promise" he nodded furrowing his brows "okay well she sucks sometimes but, she was there with me through shit"

"Then left, true friends stay. I was a nobody, nobody knew me very well. My family yes, but not so much me... my friends didn't change they acclimated. They didn't use me, they found their own ways to success Bellissima" he slid towards me planting a kiss on my forehead

Causing the in between my legs to tingle. I hated the way he made me feel right now, but I couldn't help it "I've only been in a relationship once, Carmen... I didn't love her but she used me. For fame and money and friends. She's a model in LA now I suppose. It was just a month or two, I didn't follow her on my socials" he clarified as if I needed the reassurance

"I don't care if you were in a past relationship Ace. This one isn't really..." I trailed off "I've had my fare share and they suck" I shrugged "that's why I don't do them, every time I'm hurt badly and my mom has to come clean up my wounds"

"I would never hurt you Madeline" he used my real full name "not intentional, not ever would the thought come to my mind" he sounded so sincere but so did the last

"That's what they all say Ace, and every last one of them is toxic" his arm wrapped around my shoulder

"Did you really buy Harry tickets off of stub hub and get scammed?" I looked up to him with a sheepish expression giving my answer

"You also found my tiktok?" I grimaced at the thought of my videos

"You and Sloan laying on the pavement outside of the arena?" I brought my hand straight to my mouth "they were $90 tickets! Like we weren't going to purchase them!"

"And you got scammed" he reminded as the frown formed on my face

"We didn't even get tiktok famous" i sympathized sighing causing him to pull me onto his lap and before I knew it I was curling up to his chest as my eyes closed to rest

I woke my the breaks of the car "Jesus Alan!" Ace yelled "sorry sir"

I opened my eyes seeing my position and immediately climbing off "I am so, so sorry I-" he shushed me

"Feel free to lean on me anytime Bellissima" his smirk grew and I felt disgusted with myself. He took me away from my life, ruined my path in ways. But here I was cozied up on his chest

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