Chapter 15

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Madeline Love

He looked angry, more angry than usual. I knew it was because I was taking a call, also stepping away from the party. I was rude, selfish, I didn't belong here though I wish I did

"Lila are you there" I looked to my phone

"I am mom, thanks for checking in" I paused as his expression didn't change. His face grew a shade of red I hadn't seen "I'm okay, I'll talk soon alright" without another word I ended the line

"You took a personal call at my friends party, rudely leaving-"

"I didn't rudely leave I excused myself! I haven't talked to my mom in a week and a half she was worried sick! I had to let her know that I was okay, even if it wasn't fully true" he gripped the metal railing that kept us from plummeting down to the city pavement

"You broke a rule"

"I didn't, she called me. I didn't call her, she called me and I answered because I couldn't let her worry anymore okay?" I looked away from him, I didn't want to feel the shame and guilt he gave with those eyes

"Why don't you ever listen to me? So defiant on anything i say?"

"Because you don't ASK! You just force me to do things like I'm your puppet? Am I your puppet, is that who I am to you some toy? Because that's how I feel, like some puppet you play around with when your bored or-" my body was turned facing him and his lips crashed against mine stopping my words

I pushed him back "your not a puppet, I want you to be mine don't you see? The second you walked into my house all I've wanted to do was protect you from any and everything"

"Protect me? I haven't been able to go out into the world to possibly need protection, that's bullshit! Okay I get it you don't like to share your people as I've picked up on, but I have a life. You'll have to share me okay?" He towered over me again

"We are leaving" without another word he took my hand as we left down the back staircase to the floor below entering a private elevator that took us down to a shady garage

He didn't speak or look at me fully. He just stared forward as we waited in silence for a car to collect us. I removed my heels because they were definitely doing serious damage to my feet

I wasn't used to heals, custom costumes or parties such as these. It was fun but in the end overwhelming. When I took the call with mom I felt as if I could breath just for a few seconds

The suburban pulled up in front of us and we quickly got in still not a word shared between us. I went to my seat in the back and instead of sitting next to me he sat in front of me tossing his hat to the seat beside him.

For some reason my feelings felt hurt. Why are you letting him in, giving him the chance to hurt you. I didn't have feelings for him, or I didn't want to admit it. But I didn't fully know what was wrong with me.

I couldn't help but just stare at his jet black hair. I dreaded the hour car ride back alone. I wanted his comfort in a way I shouldn't need or crave. But after the ride here I became attached to the thought of his touch. I feel like my emotions were in betrayal, one minute I despise him the next I'm confused.

I should feel disgusted with myself. This man took me, he removed me from my own life and placed me into his like I was some game piece. But why me? What was so special about me, maybe I was the worst.

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