Chapter 6

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Madeline Love

I woke again not realizing I'd fallen asleep. The pillow was damp signaling the tears didn't end. I reached for my phone to still see no bars, but this time it was weirder No Sim

That mother trucker stole my SIM card. Should've hidden my phone from Brimmy, thought she was a friend... but turns out really a fo!

Could he see my stuff? I mean it's not like I had anything truly scandalous on my phone. Just an alarming amount of screenshots of Stefan Salvatore but we all have our quirks. Mine just happens to be Paul Wesley!

I'll never forget my first day of my junior year of high school. I opened up my computer and it had been a fair amount of time since I used it. My English teacher was helping me set up a folder for the class and my background was him. My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment but he was cool about it. Said he also loved the show

The buzz sound came through again "if you promise not to bolt, could I lead you to the kitchen to talk and make you some lunch?"

The guilt laced her voice and I stood from the bed annoyed "he stole my SIM card Gwenyth!"

"You could still play angry birds or play a game on your phone. Just the contact is restricted, please join me, I made a fruit salad and the chef will make you anything you desire" maybe I could use this as a chance to run

Maybe let them gain your trust and when the timings right, make your break for it "fine, I promise not to run" this was a test for me

After a few moments the door opened to someone I figured must've been security. We didn't speak as we walked, the only noise was the sound of my slippers hitting the floor echoing with each step. I crossed my arms as they sunk into my sweatshirt

As I walked into the kitchen the scent of the food caused my stomach to grumble but my face still the same, fumed. Gwenyth stood coming over to me "come on tell Jeremiah what you'd like and he'll cook it for you" I looked to the chef, who I swore was a female last night

"There's two" she reminded me and I didn't move my head but just stared at him "teriyaki chicken, hibachi style with mixed vegetables and edamame please" he nodded his head and turned to the fridge as I moved to the table slowly slouching into the chair arms still crossed

"Come on, you won't be pleasant to me like yesterday?" She batted her eyes at me but I was disgusted

"Well yesterday, I wasn't your prisoner... I wasn't being kept here. I was simply here because you guys offered me shelter, I was better off lost in the storm" I huffed, my eyes steamed from the redness they held

"You'll learn to like it here and then in Italy-"

"You cannot take me to Italy without a passport" she raised a brow at me as if I were some idiot "you can't take me, it's illegal"

"Deary I don't think you understand who Ace is"

"I don't! I have no idea who he is okay? I'm just some random ass girl from the south end of Boston"

"Who's wicked smart" she piped in, I didn't find her humor charming so instead I shared a torpid look to her slouching back

"I don't want any part of anything to do with whatever you guys do! I have my own life and goals that I've strived for. I have a mother and friends who are family, I have a life" I pleaded

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