Chapter 12

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Madeline Love

It's been approximately 2 days, sixteen hours, 42 minutes and seventeen seconds since we got back to his place from the city. We went back to before, the minimal conversations and avoidance

As if he's afraid to speak or go near me, like I'm a fragile vase just waiting to fall to the ground breaking into pieces by slight movements.

I couldn't have been more bored, I spent my time digging through my boxes that were placed in my room. I didn't dare unpack, I wasn't accepting my fate. So I just read, book after book scarfing down novels like there was no tomorrow. Finishing off almost all of Jane Austen in a day and a half and soon turning to the courageous journey of Cheryl Strayed

The thing that sucked the most, Halloween a holiday I dread but still celebrate was tonight. I would be missing it for the first time in ages, it was any excuse to go out and get wasted. I would be inside alone curled up in a ball

I hated Halloween. Mostly because of the morning hangover, lost shoes and disheveled costume remains. I always went too far with Sloan at a party, dancing on tables or taking one too many shots just to end up in a pool of my own vomit.

But dressing up as a duo was always so much fun. Now our senior year the opportunities stripped from us.

I made my bed after showering and changing into jeans with a grey school hoodie. After placing down the last pillow a knock came to the door

I walked over to it and heard the lock click. I slowly opened it and he stood in-front of me, though usually in a suit this time in sweats and a white t shirt that his abs bled through

"Good morning Bellissima" before I could step back he kissed my forehead and smiled softly "we have a party to get ready for"

"A party?" He didn't tell me about a party "what party, I was never informed about a party"

"Tonight you'll be meeting my best friends, on your best behavior. The host Adonis is like a brother, I've known him since we were just boy's. Then there's Myles and Evander they're like my brothers and family" I raised a brow confused, I hated him and he knew it, why introduce me

"It's a Halloween party, someone will come in and fit you for our costume"

"Our costume? What do you mean our costume? You want to go as a couple? Are you mad!" he ran his hand through his combed back hair with a light sigh "darling, just meet my friends... bite back the sass please"

"If it's an ugly ass costume I refuse to wear it"

"We'll find another one then, car will be out front at three and I'll be waiting" he stepped out of the room, not locking the door?

Before I could step out Gwenyth stood before me "deary he's giving you a chance of freedom around the home, to explore it and get comfortable. Don't waste this chance or screw it up for yourself" she warned

I nodded walking past her down the hall quietly. I went down the marble staircase and walked through the rooms of the house. It was Italian but also held its old vintage Parisian elements. Century old oil paintings of landscapes were present on some walls as I wandered.

I stopped when I saw the full picture. It was his entire family, him and his four sisters with two parents behind them all for a photo. He was much younger but not any less cuter-

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