Chapter 24

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Madeline Love

We stood on the tarmac my eyes barely opening as we waited for their arrival. It felt as if sand bags were holding down my lids

I felt his arm snake around my waist as he pulled me against his chest "Miss Love"

"Mr.Rossi?" My voice was groggy as I was half awake. I slept the entire drive to Boston, he insisted taking a chopper but I claimed it to be wasteful (which it is)

I pressed my face against his chest as I felt myself slowly drifting into the release of darkness "I'M HERE MOTHERFUCKERS" I groaned at the sound of her voice

"Liza language!" My mother's followed as she criticized her and as their voices drew closer I kept my face still closed against his chest "somebody's tired"

I looked over to Gwenyth "did you not get good nights rest deary?"

"It's 6 in the morning and I had to get out of the apartment at 2"

"Imagine at 1am, somebody's got to keep after that house while you and Ace do god knows what in the city" she turned to face who I'm assuming was my mother and Aunty forcing me to move my comfortable position in his warm arms

"Can we get a move it's freezing" Ben stated as he shivered "your fault for not bringing a coat!" Liza mocked poking him

"Sometimes I feel as if I have 3 kids rather than one" mom scolded them as I turned to her smiling, she had two suitcases

"Ones filled with gifts, the other is my stuff" she reasoned as I stared down "I wasn't questioning it mom" her eyes left my gaze and shifted to the man above me

No not that man above, who's always watching

"Are you sure you want us all coming with you? I had to tell my husband about all the caroling we will be doing and all the christmas activities he hates to convince him not to try and force his presence" I felt Aces rib cage move against my back as he laughed

"The more the merrier Mrs.Love"

"Beth" she corrected with a smile

That smile would be gone if she knew the blush-able things this man did to me just hours before "is there alcohol?" I looked to Liza

"Yes Aunt Liza, there is alcohol" she smirked at me knowingly

"If not I had a flask incase" she brushed past us all walking up the jet steps "this is fucking insane! Jen would be bullshit she's missed this" she paused pulling out her phone taking a .5 photo as my eyes shut in embarrassment shaking my head

We all got inside taking our seats getting situated. The jet itself was magnificent, I wanted to take a commercial flight but he refused "I still don't get why we couldn't just taken a regular flight" I reasoned

"Honey you act as if you don't know who your boyfriend is" I looked to Uncle Ben

"I didn't ask for comments from the peanut gallery Uncle Ben" he scoffed as I looked to the noise of shuffling

A bright pink tumbler in her hand containing exactly what I think it did "that's some kind of flask you got their Aunt Liza"

She lifted it in the air smiling "what do you mean, it's just a tumblr of ice and wa-"

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