Chapter 7

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Madeline Love

I could barely sleep last night with the thoughts of being back in the city. I was so close to some sort of freedom. At least I'd be back on campus, maybe I'd be able to slip into a class

I wanted to tell Sloan. I needed to tell somebody, but I didn't want to risk what could happen. Maybe I should leave her a letter, it'll seem weird when I'm taking things out but not fully leaving.

There's no way I get a full moment alone with her. Maybe if I asked to give a goodbye and then tell her, I needed to devise a plan.

It's my fifth day that I've been here, this morning we'd be leaving to collect my things. I hadn't seen Ace that much around the house, I swore he slipped out at some point to go somewhere.

He said he'd give me til tomorrow night, but that tomorrow night was 3 nights ago, where he didn't show up to dinner. It's like the man's been avoiding me like the plague

But if your going to hold me captive and hope I fall for you. At least show up to fulfill your stupid and useless plans. But now I had to make a plan to get out of his stupid plan, I never thought I'd use the word plan more in my entire life.

I heard the bedroom door open and close quietly as I turned off the shower. I took my light red towel wrapping it around me opening the bathroom door

I jumped as I saw him "GET OUT!" I clutched my body as I'd never felt more exposed in my life

He just stood admiring my figure up and down "we leave soon Bellissima" he placed clothing on the bed and turned back to me walking over as I stepped back

"Don't be shy amore" He observed every part of my body as if it was a puzzle to him he had to try and figure out how to solve

"Don't be shy? I'm naked with a towel around me and your in here! Again get out!" With that he quickly grabbed my throat causing me to freeze in fear

"I don't like your tone with me, I would never hurt you. But I don't like when things don't go my way" he grumbled

"Like me not falling into your arms?" I forced out and he glared looking away

He brought his face close to mine our noses practically touching and lips aligned "you'll fall into them soon amore, just needs time I guarantee it" he let go of my throat as I clutched it grasping for proper air

"Ducking crazy" I mumbled, I heard him chuckle slightly "my mom would hate you" I threatened, not as if it mattered to him but it did to me

"your mum, would love me"

"And why's that? How could she possibly love you, the man who trapped her daughter" I adjusted my towel crossing my arms to my chest

"I'm smart, rich, sophisticated, great education and good looking-"

"Let's not forget to add, full of yourself, self centered, egomaniacal, insane and you kidnapped her daughter!" I could feel my cheeks turn red from how heated I was, how dare he speak as if he knew her "your not every mothers dream, you don't check the boxes for her. It's not about money or looks" he walked to the door slowly

He turned back to me "I will win you over either today, tomorrow or another day to follow I will" he opened the door slamming it shut and I heard the lock click

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