Chapter 9

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Madeline Love

"The fuck do you mean you can't, I was worried sick. I thought you were kidnapped or worse Lila"she took a deep breath sitting down

"I went to the police there's a god damn search for you!" She pushed me back into her arms again gripping to me harder

I felt the dampness of her tears against my hair, she was so scared and I was a shit friend. I couldn't even tell her the truth without risking her safety or let alone mine "I can't tell you, I wish I could but to protect you I can't"

"Are you in danger, do you remember the double trust club you want to break that"

The double trust club, of course she'd play that stupid card. When were freshman and in our first big fight over dishonesty on the feelings we shared over the same stupid guy we created a club.

It was a friendship club between us two. A vow to protect and swear to honesty with our friendship, childish I know but sacred. Nobody compared to Sloan, she was my person and I trusted her solely with my life, but at this point. I couldn't risk hers

"This is beyond that Sloan, I can't put you in harms way. Please understand that"

"Your scaring me, what happened. Give me what you can please" I looked to the fountain displayed infront of us, I didn't quite know what to say

I had no idea what Ace would do if she knew, if I told her about my situation. Would he hurt her? Take her? Would he go after my family and find my mom?

"I met a man" I hesitated "powerful" I paused taking a deep breath "I don't think I'm in grave danger but I can't say much. I might be going to Italy in December" her nails dug into my hand and I looked to see her eyes

They held fear, confusion and slight hurt "Italy?" It was our dream trip for graduation, we'd been planning it since freshman year and now that we were seniors, the trip wasn't so far off

"Not by choice" my eyes glistened staring at her "please try and understand" she sat speechless not knowing what to say or do

So in the silence she went the comfort route taking my hand again gently this time "Where does he think you are?" She whispered as if we were hiding from him around the corner

"At the first floor bathroom" she laughed softly

"You shimmied your way out that tiny ass window?" I nodded and she shook her head

"We have to go to the police are you crazy!" I shushed "What about school?" Her hand tensed as she asked the question

"I don't know, but I'll figure it out okay?" She leaned her head on my shoulder squeezing her eyes shut

"I'll kill him" she whispered and after a moment of shared silence we bursted into laughter

"Maybe he's the prince who promised to be my sugar daddy in my Instagram dm's, maybe he got the wrong girl" I couldn't help but belly laugh at her words, they were comforting

"Maybe" I mumbled

I closed my eyes squeezing her hand and soon they flashed opened as she gasped and I looked to her "What! What's wrong?"

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