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Hi! Today we have... (drumroll) haiimsnazzy (a.k.a Carson)!!!

Daniela: Why did you join wattpad?

Carson: My friend showed me it and I found it really cool, so I downloaded the app, then made an account a month or so later:P

Daniela: How long have you been here?

Carson: my account, since June of 2012 , but me, since March of 2012 ish.

Daniela: What story are you most proud of?

Carson: Ghost boy. I worked really hard on it, and I am really proud! :)

Daniela: If you had to choose your favourite story on wattpad, what would it be?

Carson: Aggggh. You hate me ,don't you? Aha, probably Young Love by Clumsy_Dreamer, or Adam and Evie by xWinterFallzx3 . Oh, I like when everything disappears too !

Daniela: Aha I don't hate you :) What would you rate wattpad out of 100? Why?

Carson: 101, because it is my pride and joy . It's my life.

Daniela: What do you think could be added to wattpad to make it better?

Carson: make the app more like the website, and CHANGE IT BACK TO FANS .

Daniela: What’s your favourite story not on wattpad?

Carson: the books of Ember :)

Daniela: Who is your favourite author on all of wattpad?

Carson: uhm, either Clumsy_Dreamer, MyHeartsMistake , or xWinterFallzx3

Daniela: Who is your most faithful fan?

Carson: Clumsy_Dreamer, because she is my best friend in RL.

Daniela: Out of your books, who is your favourite character?

Carson:The boy from 'Ghost Boy' . I forget his name, I think it's Carson, like mine, but I forget !

Daniela: What is your most embarrassing moment, that you’re willing to share?

Carson: none. Maybe ... Uhm .... I actually forget all of them .wow.

Daniela: What’s your best way to get rid of writers block?

Carson: Wait a while, then write again, and you'll have tons of ideas :)

Daniela: Are you a reader or a writer? Why?

Carson: I guess both equally. I read so much, but love writing and do that a lot too! :)

Daniela: Where do you find your ideas?

Carson: everywhere . Legit, I can find ideas anywhere!

Daniela: How often do you upload your stories?

Carson: Whenever I get a chance to, and there's never a long gap . :)

Daniela: Are there any stories you are working on at the moment, that are not published? If so, would you mind telling us something about them/it?

Carson: none, actually :P sorry!

Daniela: Is there anything you would like to say in addition?

Carson: thank you for this interview, and thanks to my fans ! :) SHOUTOUT to Clumsy_Dreamer, go check out her books! :))  

Go check out haiimsnazzy's profile now!!! Click the external link or on the dedication or even search haiimsnazzy up!!! GO!!

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