Today we have got ... moonlight222!!!
Dantopaz: Why did you join wattpad?
moonlight222: I was surfing the internet trying to find some good stories to share with my daughter Shayla.
Dantopaz: What story are you most proud of?
moonlight222: Well that would be The Edith Ebernly Plan.
Dantopaz: If you had to choose your favourite story on wattpad, what would it be?
moonlight222: The best story I have ever read on wattpad is Losing Kale by skatergirl2011. It's truly touching.
Dantopaz: What would you rate wattpad out of 100? Why?
moonlight222: I would rate wattpad 73 out of 100 because there is so much to do on it. I love a website that can keep you busy for a long time!
Dantopaz: What do you think could be added to wattpad to make it better?
moonlight222: If you could delete some notifications on your homepage that would make life easier!
Dantopaz: What’s your favourite story not on wattpad?
moonlight222: The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. That book is the best I have ever read.
Dantopaz: Who is your favourite author on all of wattpad?
moonlight222: RascalBaby13. She writes really good stories.
Dantopaz: Who is your most faithful fan?
moonlight222: Well that's a tough one. I guess kattydreamer is.
Dantopaz: Out of your book/books, who is your favourite character?
moonlight222: Most likely Edith out of The Edith Ebernly Plan. I think she really reflects me in someways but has a confidence that would never have.
Dantopaz: What is your most embarrassing moment, that you’re willing to share?
moonlight222: Haha, well when I got my learners permit I was telling all my friends about how good I was at backing up. Then as I did, I backed right into a telephone pole! Not the smartest thing I have ever done...
Dantopaz: What’s your best way to get rid of writers block?
moonlight222: I won't pressure myself. I'll just focus on something else and then the next day i'll be 'cured'.
Dantopaz: Are you a reader or a writer? Why?
moonlight222: I'm a bit of both. I enjoy reading and writing equally.
Dantopaz: Where do you find your ideas?
moonlight222: Sometimes from others stories or I'll just think of something and write it down.
Dantopaz: How often do you upload your stories?
moonlight222: Whenever I feel like I want to.
Dantopaz: Are there any stories you are working on at the moment, that are not published? If so, would you mind telling us something about them/it?
moonlight222: Sadly no but I do really want to publish a book.
Dantopaz: Is there anything you would like to say in addition?
moonlight222: Well I would like to have my stories become popular. So if anyone could read, comment, vote and fan that would be great!
Dantopaz: Thank you!
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