22) Advisor

143 6 1

We have today ...  Advisor!!!

Dantopaz: Why did you join wattpad?

Advisor: One of my friends saw me writing, when I wouldn't show her, she told me to join Wattpad. Love you Tanya!!

Dantopaz: What story are you most proud of?

Advisor: Umm. To be honest, I like all of my poems at different times but I do like 'More than just a bad day at school' and 'Never a Bystander'

Dantopaz: If you had to choose your favourite story on wattpad, what would it be?

Advisor: Lies before love. It is full of adventure, drama and just everything!

Dantopaz: What would you rate wattpad out of 100? Why?

Advisor: Probably 90 because I do love it but I I wish you could talk to people without being their fan!

Dantopaz: What do you think could be added to wattpad to make it better?

Advisor: I don't know. But I do love it!

Dantopaz: What’s your favourite story not on wattpad?

Advisor: I love the Spook Stories but I am a big fan of so many romance stories I can't name them all!

Dantopaz: Who is your favourite author on all of wattpad?

Advisor: kaitypie90. Love her stories so much!

Dantopaz: Who is your most faithful fan?

Advisor: Not fair. I have so many. I love Hope, BriannaThomas, katypie90, marie (one of the nicest people you will ever meet!)

Dantopaz: Out of your book/books, who is your favourite character?

Advisor: Ummmmmmmmm. Mine are poems and they are written from one perspective so I love the girl who I am writing about as if I was her

Dantopaz: What is your most embarrassing moment, that you’re willing to share?

Advisor: Tripping over a recycling bin, hitting my head on the lampost, then falling back into the recycling bin. Oops!

Dantopaz: What’s your best way to get rid of writers block?

Advisor: Music- gives me so much inspiration.

Dantopaz: Are you a reader or a writer? Why?

Advisor: Reader and writer. Love reading other peoples' stories but love writing my own poems

Dantopaz: Where do you find your ideas?

Advisor: I find some from imagining how it might be in someone's perspecitve

Dantopaz: How often do you upload your stories?

Advisor: Once every fortnight. I feel in a certain mood and then the words just flow so easily!

Dantopaz: Are there any stories you are working on at the moment, that are not published? If so, would you mind telling us something about them/it?

Advisor: Well, I do a lot of separate works and I am thinking of doing a book of poems on wattpad so watch out for those!

Dantopaz: Is there anything you would like to say in addition?

Advisor: Thank you so much to Dantopaz for letting me have this interview and to everybody, please check out my works and fan, vote, or comment. xxxxxxx

Dantopaz: No problem Advisor!

Wow! 22nd Interview! PM me if you need one!

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