32) ChesireProductions

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Today we have next ... ChesireProductions!!!

Dantopaz: Why did you join wattpad?

ChesireProductions: I had two other accounts before this, but they were both hacked so i made this one.

Dantopaz: What story are you most proud of?

ChesireProductions: Hunger, since it's the only short story i have managed to successfully write.

 Dantopaz: If you had to choose your favourite story on wattpad, what would it be?

 ChesireProductions: I would have to choose Beauty And The Beast by kickingdaisies

Dantopaz: What would you rate wattpad out of 100? Why?

 ChesireProductions: Umm.....

 Dantopaz: What do you think could be added to wattpad to make it better?

 ChesireProductions: I'm not so sure about that, I'll need to get back to you on that one!

 Dantopaz: What’s your favourite story not on wattpad?

 ChesireProductions: I have a lot of favorites- one example would be the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling :) Go Slytherin!  

 Dantopaz: Who is your favourite author on all of wattpad?

 ChesireProductions: C'mon, you're seriously making me choose just one?!?

 Dantopaz: Who is your most faithful fan?

 ChesireProductions: kickingdaisies- she's one of my amazing friends (whoever is reading this should check her stuff out too!)

 Dantopaz: Out of your book/books, who is your favourite character? 

 ChesireProductions: Out of the books I've written it would have to be.....um..... again, I seriously just cannot choose only one! I LOVE THEM ALL!

 Dantopaz: What is your most embarrassing moment, that you’re willing to share?

 ChesireProductions: My backpack is so very heavy because I decide to pack my whole locker in it so I'm not late. I was hunched over with my backpack on and my teacher made me stand up straight and I fell over backwards because of the weight in my backpack. This happened last week about three times in one day.

 Dantopaz: What’s your best way to get rid of writers block?

 ChesireProductions: I don't really have a way. I just write whatever is in my head and fix it later.

 Dantopaz: Are you a reader or a writer? Why?

 ChesireProductions: I am both. I love to read, so i comment when i can. I love writing, and when someone comments I feel so very ecstatic that someone has taken the time to see what i wrote, I like knowing someone out there is interested.

 Dantopaz: Where do you find your ideas?

 ChesireProductions: I have some crazy-ass dreams, so i try to remember what it was and put it in a story :) My dreams are where some of my best ideas have come.  

 Dantopaz: How often do you upload your stories?

 ChesireProductions: I upload whenever i can- but it's not ver often, so sometimes, a story could be put on hold for a few months, sometimes only a few days.

 Dantopaz: Are there any stories you are working on at the moment, that are not published? If so, would you mind telling us something about them/it?

 ChesireProductions: We're not publishing it on Wattpad, but a friend and I are working on a manga series that we hope gets published one day.

 Dantopaz: Is there anything you would like to say in addition?

 ChesireProdcutions: Thanks for this interview, and i hope everyone who reads this considers taking time out of theri reading schedule to take a look at what i have up :)


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