Chapter 1 - Tails and Y/n

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It was a beautiful day in Green Hills, Montana. Well, as beautiful as it could be with an attack going on. Four alien creatures were fighting off multiple robots that were shooting at them. A hedgehog, a fox, an echidna, and a a/t, all hit, punched, and shot bots causing multiple explosions around them.

"Now I know what you're thinking," the a/t narrated. "Why are four amazing aliens from another planet fighting a bunch of egg-shaped robots?"

The frame froze on our four heroes as some robots were exploding. "Well to be honest, it's quite a story. Maybe we should rewind."


"My name is Y/n. I come from a small village on Westside Island. It was a beautiful place with mountains and lush green grass." A small a/t ran through the walkways of a valley town, passing multiple mobians. "The place was great, the people were great, and life was great."

They turned and entered a small house, grabbing a snack off the table and sat down next to some other mobians who looked similar. They all smiled and started talking, enjoying each other's presence.

"That's my family. My mom, dad, sister, and brother. We all cared deeply for each other. At least, while we could."


It was now nighttime. The moon was high in the sky and the stars were shining bright. Y/n was sleeping peacefully with their siblings and the village was quiet.

But suddenly, bright lights from outside and distressed noises caused them to startle awake. Not too long after, their parents burst into the kid's room.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" The oldest of the three asked.

"Remember what we told you to do if something ever went wrong?" Asked their dad as they nodded.

Their mom gave a sympathetic look. "Well, that's now. I'm sorry, sweetie."

Y/n didn't want to, but they started packing a bag of essentials for them and their siblings. Although their parents warned them that needing to run might happen one day, they didn't expect it to be so soon.

"It should have been easy, but life never goes as planned. That night, my family tried to flee our burning home. But the people who attacked us didn't make it so simple."

The family was on the outskirts of the town, but before they could leave, a few warriors from the attacking tribe stopped them, beginning to attack. Arrows flung everywhere as they took cover.

The dad kneeled down to his children. "Listen to me kids, you need to continue on without us. There's a chance you can escape." They looked at him confused and sad.

"What about you guys?" asked s/n.

The parents gave each other small, sorrowful glances, knowing the highest possibility. "We'll...catch up."

"They did not in fact, catch up. As we said goodbye the arrows began piercing through our cover. Our parents managed to buy us time to sneak away, but that was the last we saw of them. Me and my siblings almost made it, but two warriors snatched s/n and b/n away, and I struggled stop it."

Y/n was hiding in the bushes of the nearby forest as the enemies searched for the runaway kid. Observing the warriors, they realized they were echidnas. There were many stories about them, and people feared the tribes because of their strength. 

They saw their siblings get taken back into town and desperately wanted to save them. But there would be no saving if they were caught too.

Checking if the coast was clear, Y/n ran further from the town and ended up near a landfill. It wasn't the same as the rest of the island but that didn't matter. Tiredness began to wash over them as they passed out peacefully on a patch of grass.


A small, yellow fox wondered into the landfill, searching around. He was around the age of 5 and unlike other fox mobians, had two tails. Spotting a rundown contraption, he went over to it and started disassembling it.

A while later his arms were full of wires, scrap metal, and whatever else he was able to find. They were sure to help with anything he wanted to invent.

Little did he know a f/c a/t was watching him from a distance...


As Miles 'Tails' Prower headed back home, he was stopped by two other foxes. "Look! It's the freak!" One of them said.

"And he's got his relatives with him this time too!" Said the other, pointing to the pile of junk in the tiny fox's arms.

Tails was used to this. Being different than the other foxes in town, he was usually the main point of ridicule. He's tried standing up for himself, but it never worked, so he tried walking around the two, ignoring their taunts until one grabbed one of his tails.

"How about we help you, Miles?" One asked, taking out a knife. "After this you won't be such a freak anymore."

Tails knew what was about to happen. He dropped the junk in his arms and started thrashing around in panic but being smaller than the others didn't help.

He had almost given up until he heard a new voice. "HEY! Let him go!" He looked over to see a a/t standing in front of all of them.

They marched over and snatched the knife out of one of the fox's hands, throwing it to the ground. "Hey what do you think you're doing?!"

They simply gave a death stare. "I'm helping this so called 'freak'. What did he ever do to you?"

"Uh, he existed that's what. It's unnatural and weird to have two tails. Clearly, we're just helping him fit in," the other fox commented.

"By cutting his tail off? I don't think so. That's like someone cutting off that face of yours to help you look better. And might I recommend that? Looks like you need it," they said.

That definitely triggered something. Dropping Tails, they went to attack the f/c mobian instead. But before they could land any punches, the a/t ducked and slid under them, grabbing Tails and running away from the shouting bullies.

Once they were safe, Tails pulled his arm away. "Why did you save me?" he asked.

The a/t shrugged. "You don't deserve to be bullied cause you're different," they replied.

"You don't think my two tails are weird?" He asked, shrinking away a bit.

They gave a sincere smile. "No. I think it's pretty cool! And to be honest, being weird isn't so bad."

Tails smiled. "Thank you. I'm Miles by the way. But everyone calls me Tails." He extended a hand out and the a/t gladly shook it.

"I'm Y/n."

"And that's how I met my best friend. Still wondering what this has to do with the opening? Don't worry, things are just getting started..."

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