Chapter 10 - Aftermath

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Multiple G.U.N. agents were at the site of the destroyed Eggman robot, cleaning and inspecting the wreckage.

Chief Walters met up with another agent, walking through the mess. "Agent, I want an update," he commanded.

"Still searching, sir. We haven't found any sign of Robotnik," she reported.

"No one could've survived that crash. He's toast. Good riddance. What a mess that lunatic made," stated Walters. They passed by an agent, who pulled his mask down to reveal that he was Agent Stone, listening in on their conversation.

The agent talking to the chief stopped in their tracks. "Sir, there's something else," she began. Walters stopped as well, turning in interest as she continued.

"When we were wiping Robotnik off our database, we found something. A file buried deep in our system and dating back over 50 years"

"What was it?" He asked.

"Coordinates, sir," she answered.

"Coordinates? To what?"


At a faraway black site, a pod rose up with a mysterious creature contained within. "A secret research facility. It was a black site, sir. Someone worked very hard to keep this hidden."

Once fully risen, a black hedgehog with red stripes was revealed inside. "My god..." The creature opened his eyes with a piercing look as they flared up with chaos energy.

"Project Shadow."

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