Chapter 5 - Snowboarding and Secrets in Siberia

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The next morning, Sonic woke up with a yawn. He turned over to notice one of the women from the bar was sleeping next to him and clinging to him. He immediately tried pulling away while panicking a little. "Tails, Y/n! We have a situation!" He whispered. The other two woke up and tried helping Sonic escape the woman's grasp.


The gang was now heading to the compass' location, flying over the Himalayas. Tails was carrying Sonic as Y/n flew beside them.

"Today's forecast calls for clear, sunny skies and a 100% chance of adventure!" Sonic exclaimed.

"I pinpointed the coordinates. It's right up ahead," mentioned Tails.

The three landed at an entrance to a mountain, Y/n taking the lead with Tails close behind. "Wow. Hey, guys wait up!" Sonic said, following after the duo.

They eventually came across a giant door carved like an owl. "Okay, we got a giant owl door. Seems encouraging," said the hedgehog. They pushed open the doors to enter an icy cave full of carvings.

"Check this out," said Tails as Y/n looked around in awe.

"Cool! Literally," they said, smirking.

Sonic laughed a little then looked at his fox friend. "Can you translate that?" He asked. Tails nodded.

"Yeah." He used his device to translate the carvings. "Ages ago, a fearsome group of warriors, known as the echidnas, forged the seven Chaos Emeralds into the most unstoppable weapon ever created."

"The Master Emerald," Sonic muttered.

"With it, a single warrior could defeat entire armies. Believing no one should have such power, an order of heroes recovered the Emerald and swore to protect it from evil," Tails continued. "Sounds like the owls and the echidnas have been fighting each other for centuries."

"Like Vin Diesel and The Rock," Sonic commented. He noticed the two already walking into the next room. "Wait for me!" He called after, following.

The three walked in to see a giant owl statue in the middle. "Okay, giant owl door, giant owl. Makes sense," said Sonic. They looked down to see some spaces with symbols. Sonic's face lit up a bit. "Wait a second. I've seen these symbols before."

He took out the map to find four symbols near the emerald picture. "Here we go," he said as he walked up and changed the symbols to match the ones on the map. Suddenly, the statue started shaking.

"Well, that did something," said Y/n as Sonic backed up to them. The statue spread its wings and its eyes glowed green. It opened up to reveal a small object.

"Whoa. The compass!" Sonic exclaimed as it landed in his hands.

"This will lead us to the Emerald!" said Tails.

The shiny colors of the compass shimmered in the a/t's eyes as they looked at it in awe. "Wow!"

Sonic looked up and noticed a red dot right above Tails' forehead. "Hey, you got a little something on your..." More dots appeared covering the fox entirely and even some appearing on Y/n as well. Sonic immediately realized what was going on. "Oh, no. Tails, Y/n, get back!" He warned, jumping in front of the two protectively. Y/n instinctively moved in front of Tails for extra protection.

An explosion erupted, revealing Robotnik and Knuckles hovering above them in some sort of airship with several robots flying around them. Robotnik was yodeling to get their attention.

"That guy again?" Tails asked, annoyed.

"Oh, come on!" Y/n complained.

"Heads up, my little stalagmites. Someone call an Uber? Hey, thanks for doing all the hard stuff," said the doctor.

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