Chapter 7 - The Temple Fight

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Y/n soared over the ocean towards Sonics location. When they arrived, they were met with the sight of a large temple, surrounded by cascading water. It was definitely a sight to behold.

Flying in, they noticed a giant maze full of traps and tricks. "Wow. Interesting choice in architecture," they remarked. A loud thud turned their attention to an entrance on the other side.

They made their way across the maze towards the entrance, where the emerald likely was. Luckily, they had the advantage of not needing to face the traps below thanks to their flight. They landed at the entrance to see Sonic getting knocked back into a wall thanks to Knuckles.

"Too easy. Let's do this," said the echidna, making his way up the stairs that led to the Master Emerald on a pedestal. Unfortunately for him, Sonic sliced through the stairway and proceeded to hit Knuckles into the ground multiple times.

Y/n didn't hesitate to land a powerful kick to his chest when he got up again, knocking him back. Sonic sped over to them in disbelief. "What are you doing here?! I told you to stay with the others!" He exclaimed with slight annoyance.

"Don't get your quills up in a bunch. They're alright and safe, don't worry," they commented. Their conversation was cut short, however, when Knuckles got back up and rapidly punched at the duo, who avoided each hit.

"Why. Don't. You. Stand. Still. And. DIE?! WITH HONOUR?!" he roared.

"Oh gee, that's a tough decision. Let's think about that," remarked Y/n still avoiding the punches with Sonic.

"Okay, we thought about it, and we pass!" Sonic added.

Eventually, Knuckles hit the two so hard that they were sent hurdling right outside the entrance to the room. The two regained consciousness to see Knuckles holding a massive boulder in his hands. "Say goodbye," he said.

Sonic looked down and saw that Robotnik was about to get the Master Emerald. "Knuckles, stop! Robotnik's stealing the Emerald!" He warned. Y/n noticed Robotnik as well, wondering how they missed him during their fight with Knuckles.

"What kind of fool do you take me for?" He asked, seemingly offended.

"Just look!" Y/n insisted.

Knuckles looked behind him to see Robotnik and what he was doing. "Wait! That wasn't the deal!" He shouted, putting the boulder down and facing the doctor.

Speaking of whom, he gave a psychotic smile. "You poor, naïve creature. It's not your fault. A more advanced intellect would have seen this move coming a mile away. Or 1.6 kilometers," he remarked.

"But I trusted you! You were my friend!" Knuckles exclaimed.

The doctor laughed sarcastically. "I'm sorry. That just hit me funny. Let this be my final lesson to you, you dim-witted celestial skin tag. Friends...Are open, honest and vulnerable with each other. Which means x squared times the hypotenuse of y squared, divided by the absolute value of friendship, equals... Dookie!"

Sonics eyes widened as Robotnik reached for the emerald. "Oh, no."

"This cannot be good," Y/n said as the villain got ahold of the gem. The moment Robotnik touched the emerald, it glowed an extremely bright green and sent a shockwave out at the three mobians, sending them backwards.

"Chaos... is... power!!!" The doctor shouted, disappearing as the entire labyrinth started to crumble and be flooded with water.

"Let's get out of here!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Uh, yeah, let's," Y/n confirmed, nodding and following after Sonic as they made a run for it.

However, Knuckles got stuck under a column and lost consciousness as the water completely covered him. "Knuckles! Water again? Come on!" Sonic complained, before jumping into the water.

"Sonic! what are you doing?!" Y/n shouted. Of course, there was no response. Sighing, Y/n hesitated before diving into the water after their friend. Swimming down, they saw Sonic attempting to remove the pillar off of Knuckles and quickly tried to help.

Knuckles began to regain consciousness and saw the two trying to pull the column up. Sonic gained his attention and motioned that they needed to push this column off together. Y/n nodded and counted down to three with their fingers, and on three they successfully moved the column.

Knuckles, now free, swam up to the surface. Y/n began to swim after him, until a muffled cry for help made them look back down to see Sonic failing to swim, only sinking to the bottom. He started to lose consciousness as the a/t swam back down to help their friend.

They tried to drag him back to the surface, but began to lose their breath as well, struggling to save them and their friend. Just when things seemed over for the two, Knuckles dove back in, grabbing Y/n's arms and taking the two above the water.


Knuckles pulled the duo up onto the beach. Y/n gasped for air before collapsing into the sand as Sonic coughed, doing the same and looking over to the echidna. "You saved us," he stated.

Knuckles sat down on the beach. "Don't talk to me. I'm not in the mood," he said sourly. Sonic threw a ball of sand at him, making him stand up and face the hedgehog in anger. "How dare you attack me in my hour of sorrow!" He shouted.

"Why did you save us?" Y/n asked, repeating the question and throwing another ball of sand at Knuckles that Sonic handed to them, hitting him dead in the face. Sonic was about to throw one himself, but he and Y/n were buried under a large pile of sand that Knuckles threw at them.

"Because you saved me first, which clearly gave you a tactical advantage I do not understand," he answered.

Sonic emerged out of the sand pile as Y/n did the same, brushing off the sand. "It wasn't a tactic. We couldn't just let you die," Sonic said.

"Why? I've been trying to destroy you since the moment we met. And my tribe caused you much pain and sorrow," he voiced.

"Because being a hero isn't about taking care of yourself. It's about taking responsibility for other people," Sonic responded.

"And because people aren't defined by their past. It's what they do and who they are now that matters. Just took me a while to realize it," Y/n added.

"Wise words. Ancient earth proverbs?" Asked the echidna. Y/n shook their head as Sonic did the same.

"No, sir, that's a Wachowski family special. I got it from a guy in a rowboat. Someone who means a lot to me," Sonic explained.

The sound of motors above them caught sonics attention. "Wait a second. What's that sound?" He looked up and a big smile grew on his face. Y/n followed his gaze and saw a red plane approaching, a certain fox piloting it.

"Only Sonic the hedgehog needs rescuing this much!" Tails shouted.

Sonic laughed. "That sly little fox!"

Y/n smiled. "Yes! Go Tails!" They cheered.

Sonic looked at Knuckles with a sincere look. "Come on, knucklehead. We're not beat yet."

"On the mountain, you told me you'd lost everything. The way I did. But you seem so hopeful and free. How did you move forward despite failing again? And again. And again. And again. And again-"

Sonic cut him off annoyed. "Okay, I didn't fail that much," he said slightly glaring at Y/n, who was trying not to laugh.

The glare soon became a smile as he turned back to the echidna. "But I didn't do this all alone. I found a new family. New friends. And you can too," he said, offering out his hand. "You don't have to be alone anymore."

Knuckles hesitated before taking his hand, but unfortunately, crushed Sonics hand. Y/n winced at the sound of his cracking knuckles as Tails landed the plane and Sonic shouted in pain. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Are you kidding me with that handshake?!"

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