Chapter 8 - Final Battle

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A ring portal opened up above a forest as the Tornado flew through, carrying three mobians as another flew beside them. They looked up ahead to see a giant, grey tornado of smoke and green lightning forming, likely due to Robotnik.

"That can only be one thing," Tails said, piloting the plane.

"The Emerald. Who knows what he's going to do with it," Y/n pondered, flying next to Sonic above the wing he was on.

"If that thing really turns thoughts into power, we are in big trouble. Robotnik has a lot of bad thoughts," said the hedgehog.

"Hey, Sonic, are you sure it was a good idea bringing you-know-who aboard?" Tails asked wearily, glancing between the a/t and echidna.

"Knuckles isn't really a bad guy. And he and Y/n are on good terms now as of the last chapter. He's just a little...mixed up," Sonic responded.

"I am not mixed up! I have steely focus. And I'm complex! And that's a lot for some people!" Knuckles shouted.

The fox laughed nervously. "Hope you're not still mad we hit you with that car,"

Y/n muttered under their breath. "I'm still not sorry."

Sonic apparently heard that due to the small, disappointing look he gave them. Y/n shrugged at the hedgehog as Knuckles responded to Tails. "I was completely uninjured. And my revenge will come when you least expect it, fox," he said.

This made Y/n fly over to Knuckles' side of the plane with a glare. "You touch one finger on a single tuft of his fur, you're going to regret it," they warned, before giving an innocent smile and going back over to Sonics side. Knuckles' eyes widened a little. If there was one person who intimidated him in even the slightest, it was Y/n.

"Woah, woah ok, can we focus on the giant robot and not ripping each other to shreds?" Sonic asked, pointing to the Eggman robot that formed from the tornado.

Tails flew the plane closer to green Hills and the robot. "How are we supposed to beat this thing?" He questioned.

"We need a plan. Knuckles, use your strength to..." Sonic trailed off from the plan he was explaining as Knuckles willingly fell of the wing of the plane. Y/n might've given a small smile at that action.

"Jump off the plane. Wow," Sonic stated. He shook it off and faced the robot. "Okay, this is what we're gonna do," he said, getting onto the top of the plane. "Step 1: Light taunting. Step 2: I have no idea," he explained.

"Works for me!" Y/n exclaimed, taking Sonics previous spot on the plane's wing.

Tails guided the plane around the robot as Sonic began taunting Robotnik. "Nice action figure, Eggman. Does it do anything or just stand there looking ugly?" He asked. Suddenly, a barrage of missiles shot from the robots' chest towards the Tornado.

Tails' eyes widened. "Uh-oh."

Y/n smirked. "Oh yeah, bring it on."

Sonic smiled at his friend's enthusiasm and turned back to the oncoming missiles. "I'm gonna pop that thing open like a can of chili!"

"Hang on! Yeah!" Tails warned and did some barrel rolls and avoided all of the missiles, with Sonic and Y/n holding on tight.

Once the plane steadied, Sonic stood up and turned back to the two. "Close one!" All of a sudden, a missile hit Sonic, sending him flying.

"Sonic!" Tails shouted, looking back.

"He just had to jinx it didn't he?" Y/n remarked, flying after him as Tails took the Tornado closer to the Eggman bot.

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