Chapter 4 - Dance Battle?

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It's been who knows how long and the three were caught up in a blizzard. They were all walking slowly against the strong winds as Sonic shouted. "I absolutely cannot find my way! We are completely, totally, unequivocally lost!"

"No, really? I had no idea!" Y/n shouted back.

Tails looked at his Miles Electric; The storm was causing it to glitch out. "Sonic, in this weather, there's no way we're gonna get any readings on this thing! Should we go back?"

Sonic looked ahead and saw light from an open bar. "No, no, no. There's a light up ahead. Maybe we can take shelter in there!" They all hid behind a snowdrift as Sonic looked around and spotted some gear and clothing. "Ah, perfect."

He ducked back down as Tails questioned him. "Are you sure about this? We don't know who's inside."

"Yeah! For all we know, there could be psychopaths in there," Y/n added.

Sonic gave the two a reassuring smile. " Don't worry. On Earth, people are very welcoming, and love taking complete strangers into their homes!"


The bar was lit up and busy, with people talking, eating, and more. The door opened slightly as the whole place got quiet. It opened completely, showing Sonic, Y/n, and Tails covered head to toe in snow gear.

They looked around nervously as one guy glared at all of them, making them gasp slightly. Another person pulled out a knife and jammed it into the table, making the trio gasp again. They turned their attention to an old lady who looked back at them. She seemed nice so they all let out a breath of relief. The lady then held up a piece of cloth, which had a skull and crossbones on it. The three screamed in fear as a fish head landed in front of them. They didn't expect it to talk either. "Run."

Tails fainted as Y/n gave Sonic a glare. "You were saying?"

Sonic gave a sheepish smile and turned to everyone else. "Table for three please!"

Y/n helped Tails up as a lady came over and lead them to a table. "All good Tails?" They asked and he nodded in response, smiling.

They sat down as a lady asked them what they wanted. Although it was in Russian. "Three beef stews please!" Tails requested, using the Miles Electric to translate, and the lady grabbed the menus and walked away, scowling at them slightly.

"Where'd you get all these cool gadgets?" Sonic asked the fox.

LI invented 'em! That's kinda my thing. In fact, my inventions are how we discovered you," he answered. Y/n agreed.

"Remember that night at the baseball field?" They asked and Sonic nodded. "Your energy blast reached all the way to our home planet. We saw you save your whole village from that crazy mustache guy!"

"Wait, so you've been watching me this whole time? Even in the shower?" He asked, kind of disturbed.

"Ah, that's a trick question, Sonic the Hedgehog prefers bubble baths," Tails stated.

"Why do you know that?" The a/t asked, and the fox simply shrugged with an innocent smile.

"Man, you're good!" Sonic commented.

"He's really smart! When we learned Knuckles was on your trail, we knew we couldn't just sit back and watch anymore. We had to come warn you," Y/n said.

Something made a beeping sound and Sonic pulled out a phone. "Oh, what? Hang on one sec. Donut Lord is checking in." He quickly typed a response and put the phone up, turning to Y/n. "So how did you two meet?" He asked.

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