Chapter 3 - Car Chase and New Mission

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Y/n guided and steered the car as Tails navigated using the Miles Electric. Eventually the signal was really close, and they ended up near a house.

"Ok Tails looks like this is it! You can stop the car now," said the a/t. But the car kept going, getting closer to the houses fence. "Uh Tails? Everything ok buddy?" Y/n asked.

Tails was frantically pressing the controls. "I'm trying just give me a second!" Unfortunately, it took less than a second for the car to collide with the fence. "Got it!" Exclaimed the fox, as the car hit something else and came to a stop.

Y/n realized they had hit Knuckles, who was knocked out on a destroyed shed. "Uh, mission accomplished?" They hesitantly questioned. But Tails didn't answer as he stuck his head out the window and began talking to someone.

"Come on! Get in! We're on your side!" He said.

Y/n heard the others voice respond. "I'm sorry who are you?" They noticed Knuckles start to gain consciousness again before the voice spoke again. "You know what? It doesn't matter."

The back door opened as Y/n looked back and saw none other than Sonic the Hedgehog hop into the back seat. But before they could say anything,  the car started up again and a guy jumped onto the windshield, causing all three to scream.

"Ahhh! He's gone rabid!" Sonic shouted.

"Gross! Is he licking it?" Tails asked.

"Agh! That's disgusting make it stop!!!" Y/n shouted, frantically turning the wheel. The car drove out of the backyard and onto the road, causing the man on the windshield to fall off.

"See ya!" Tails said as Y/n let out a breath of relief.

"Make sure to get your shots, Eggman!" Sonic shouted.

Man, that Eggman guy is crazy! And even though Y/n didn't want to admit it, he did have a pretty nice mustache.

Things seemed calm again until Y/n noticed Knuckles chasing them. "Tails we've got company!" They said. He increased the pressure and the car gained speed.

Tails turned to the back seat to face Sonic. "Wow. Okay, let me just say, it is an honor to finally meet you, Sonic. Is it okay if I call you Sonic? This is Y/n," he said, pointing to the a/t in front of the wheel as they gave a small smile and wave.

"Hello! Big fan," they said, smiling.

"Everyone calls me Tails. You're probably wondering why," Tails continued.

Sonic looked at him flatly. "Let me guess. Because of the extra tail?"

Tails' smile grew bigger. "That's right! I should've known you'd get that."

"Cool. Also, what is going on?! Robotnik's back? And who is Clifford the Big Red Rage Monster?!" Sonic asked, pointing back to Knuckles close behind.

Y/n looked at Sonic through the rear-view mirror to answer him. "That's Knuckles. The last of the echidnas, and the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy."

Tails nodded. "He's obsessed with finding the Master Emerald," he added.

"Are you serious? The Master Emerald? That's just a bedtime story," said Sonic, looking at the two in disbelief.

"Well, he believes its real, and he must think you're the key to finding it," responded the fox.

Looking up, Sonic noticed a red light ahead on the road. "Red light! Red light! Give me the wheel!" He shouted, jumping to the front and taking over the wheel from Y/n.

"Hey! What are you—"

"Move your foot!" He shouted, interrupting them.

The car swerved and avoided an oncoming water truck. Sonic gave control over the car back to Y/n as he looked behind them to see that Knuckles was no longer in sight. "I think we lost him," he sighed.

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