Chapter 6 - Hawaii

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Multiple agents were hauling a caged Sonic, Tails, and Y/n as well as a tied up Tom down to a basement.

Sonic was now awake, pleading to the agents. "Hey, come on! You can't just leave us in here! My friend is hurt! He needs a doctor, a vet, anyone! Tails, you got to wake up, buddy. Y/n please wake up too! Please wake up!" He said.

Y/n woke up in a haze. Once their mind and vision cleared, they looked around to see where they were, and saw that they were locked up.

"Y/n!" They turned to see Sonic in a separate cage, a look of relief on his face.

"Sonic! What happened?! Where are we?!"

"We kind of got captured by government agents," Sonic responded flatly.

Y/n sighed. "Well darn." They noticed Tails in another cage and frowned at seeing their best friend like this.

They searched around their cage for their bag but it seems like the agents had taken it. Their sights eventually landed on the human tied up beside them. "Hi," he greeted. "Names Tom, nice to meet you."

Y/n started at him blankly before responding with a small smile. "Y/n. Nice to meet you too."


After a while of being locked up, Maddie appeared with Tails and Y/n's bags.

"Maddie!" Tom exclaimed, happy to see his wife.

"Come on. We're busting out of here," she said, untying him.

"How'd you get past the guards?"

"Because that little fox is into some crazy stuff. And that a/t has some pretty cool and useful things too. Come on. Let's go."

"You're amazing," Tom gushed in awe.

The two helped get Sonic and Y/n out of their cages. Before any of them could get to Tails' cage, Y/n ran over and busted the lock, grabbing their friend. They turned to see everyone with slightly shocked faces. "What? Come on we have no time to lose," they said.


The group was now outside on the beach. A large pillar of green light became visible in the horizon as they all looked at it.

"Sonic. What is that?" Tom asked.

"A big problem. The compass led Robotnik to the Emerald."

"We're in big trouble now," mentioned the a/t. "But got to be hundreds of miles away."

"All right. Huddle up. Let's figure out a plan. Together," said Tom. But Sonic walked away from the others.

"There's no time for that. I'm the only one that can get there fast enough," he said.

"Sonic, this is way too big for you to do by yourself," stated Maddie.

"There's no way you're facing them on your own, not without us," Y/n added.

"No. You see that little fox over there? He came all the way across the universe to meet his hero. And what did his hero do? I practically got him killed. You know what? You were right. My moment came and I blew it. I'm no hero."

"Now hold up," Y/n started. "This wasn't completely your fault. I made a promise to protect my best friend and now he's hurt. We both failed. I'm coming with you wether you like it or not."

"No. I'm not letting anyone else get hurt because of me," he said, walking over and placing his hands on the a/t's shoulders. "I need you to stay here and look after Tails. I know you'll do a good job. I trust you. And don't worry, I'll beat that echidna too heck and back for you, ok?" He asked.

Y/n was silent before they hesitantly nodded. Sonic smiled and turned towards the beacon of light. "I'm gonna fix this while I still can." With that, he dashed off.

Tom shouted after him, causing Tails to wake up with a jolt. "Sonic, wait!" He shouted, trying to fly to catch up with him, but he fell to the ground. Tom, Maddie, and Y/n quickly rushed over to help the fox.

"Tails! Hey it's ok, calm down. You're in no shape to fly right now, I'm sorry," said the a/t.

"Take it easy, little guy," Tom advised.

"But we have to help him. You don't know what he's up against!" Tails responded.

"Sonic is strong. He can handle this, I believe in him," said Y/n. Look buddy, I'm sorry I let you get hurt. I'm a horrible friend. I should've been more careful and protected you better—" Y/n was cut off by Tails giving them a big hug.

"Don't apologize. You've been with me through thick and thin and have always had my back. I'm glad to call you my friend," he said.

Y/n got a little teary-eyed and hugged back, making Tom and Maddie gush at the two friends.

"Alright then," Tails started, pulling out of the hug. "Let's at least fix up some things then go get Sonic," he suggested.

Y/n smiled and nodded but Tails noticed something was off about them. "You still want to go help him, don't you?"

Y/n looked away with a small nod. "Yeah. But I don't want to leave you behind. What if you get hurt again and I'm not there? Or what if-" Tails held up his hand to make them stop talking.

"Look, it's ok if you want to go. I appreciate the care, but I can handle myself. Trust me," he said.

Y/n looked deep into their friends' eyes, seeing the honesty and sincereness. "Okay. I trust you. And don't worry, me and Sonic will be back with the emerald in no time," they declared.

"Good. Oh! Here," Tails started, grabbing his bag and taking out a new pair of boots for the a/t. "I packed an extra pair for you for the trip. You never know when you need a backup."

Y/n gladly took them and put them on. "Thanks buddy!" The two shared a hug before Y/n got up and made their way to the far-off island.

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