Chapter 2 - Sonic the Hedgehog

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It's been three years since the day Y/n the a/t and Tails the fox met. And ever since then, they've been inseparable. Eventually, Y/n had told Tails everything about them and what happened the night before they met. Tails was understanding and very comforting to the a/t. Not to mention very adorable.

Y/n learned of Tails' passion of inventing. The kid was actually very smart! He's created many interesting gadgets and gizmos throughout the years, and Y/n had even helped him with some.

Y/n made a promise to themselves to protect Tails at all costs, not wanting to lose him like they lost their family. They even started to learn how to fight and defend in case of any emergencies. Even made some inventions of their own!

One of which were some rocket-like shoes. They couldn't fly naturally, so they made adjustments to some boots so that they could levitate in the air in order to keep up with Tails whenever they needed.

They looked out for each other and were always there if needed. And their friendship was definitely unbreakable.


Y/n was in their room training when they heard Tails call for them. They wiped the sweat from their forehead and grabbed their water, heading to the computer system Tails was usually at.

"What is it buddy?"

"Check this out!" He exclaimed. Y/n looked at the screen, seeing many strong energy readings.

Y/n gasped at the sight. "Woah, where did those come from?!"

"Not where, but who," he said. The a/t looked at him in confusion before the fox showed them a video. It was from a far off planet called...Earth?

In the footage, a blue hedgehog was running around a baseball field. But the intense energy from him running caused a big blue explosion of energy.

"Wait, he caused that? How?! That's incredible!" Y/n exclaimed.

"I'm unsure, but it seems as if he has a special power. I might be keeping an eye on him to learn more," said the fox.

"Keep me updated! That's pretty cool!" With that, Y/n gave Tails a pat on the head and went back to training.


Over the next eight months, Tails monitored the hedgehog, who he learned was named Sonic, and always told Y/n about his findings.

The two had actually been really intrigued by the blue blur, fascinated by his willingness to help others, and his speed. He was pretty inspiring. But one day, Tails burst into Y/n's room with a look of both concern and determination...

"Woah Tails what's wrong?" They asked, setting down the book they were reading about Earth.

"Sonic is in danger!"

"What? What do you mean?!" They asked, now on alert.

"Knuckles is after him," Tails said, carefully because knew how sensitive Y/n was about echidnas.

Y/n was silent. Knuckles was the last of the echidnas, and the fiercest. He was dangerous, and everyone knew it. If he was after Sonic, things could get bad. But they wouldn't stand still and let him face this alone.

Standing up, Y/n began packing a small bag. "What are you doing?" Tails asked.

"We're going to go warn him. Knuckles is a serious threat, and we can't just stand by without doing anything!"

He smiled. "Glad you agree! We'll head out tomorrow morning!" And with that, he left to go prepare.


Tails held a ring in his hand as Y/n met up with him. "You ready?" He asked as Y/n nodded.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

He threw the ring and it opened up to reveal an Earth Forest. They gave each other a small glance and nod before jumping through.

It took a while to find the right spot-on Earth, but eventually they got close. Jumping through one last portal, they landed on a cliff side.

Tails read energy levels from his device. "If these readings are accurate, he's here! We found him!" He spoke.

Y/n looked at him with determination. "Let's just hope we're not too late."

Tails nodded and started flying off. Y/n jumped off the cliff and activated their boots, following their friend off to Green Hills.


It took a while to get there, but they landed in the town behind some bushes. Tails glanced at his device again as Y/n stretched their legs. "Hmm, he's close. We just need a way to reach him without being spotted."

Y/n looked around for anything that would work until their sights landed on a police car parked in front of a station. "Hey Tails!" They said, tapping the fox's shoulder. Tails looked up as Y/n pointed to the car. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

His face lit up when he saw it and he nodded. "Standard human transport. Perfect! Nice eye, N/n!" He said, jumping out of the bush and heading to the car, Y/n following.

As expected, it was locked. Thankfully Y/n was able to open the car with ease. When reading about the planet, a/t learned plenty information of how the humans got around. Now they just had to get it started.

Tails used one of his inventions to jump start the car as Y/n hopped into the driver's seat. They tried to reach the pedals, but their feet were just a little too short. "Don't worry! I got you covered," said the fox.

He grabbed his backpack and took out two magnets, placing them on the pedals. "Tails what are those—WOAH!" Their question was cut short when Tails activated the magnets, making them push down as the vehicle moved forward.

Y/n steered the vehicle as they drove through the streets of Green Hills. "Tails you adorable genius! Alright, let's go find Sonic!"

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