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Bakugou immediately threw himself down onto the bed as soon as he entered his room, & with the lack of motivation he had, he refused to change out of his school attire. Instead, he buried his face in a pillow from over exhaustion of having to deal with Camie once again. However, the spiky blonde haired boy was still red-faced from the encounter; and didn't know why. All he could think of were The words Camie whispered in his ear, and still not knowing what her intentions were by them; was she trying to agitate or seduce him? No matter how much he thought about it, he still couldn't figure it out; and as a result, his palms began to sweat from frustration. "Dang it!."He whispered to himself as he began gritting his teeth. Out of all the things he thought he'd have to deal with,  he never once thought a girl would be one of them.

Morning came, and Bakugou finally decided to change out of his school attire And wear his skull t-shirt with some black pants. since it was a Saturday, he planned on buying some groceries then training alone for an hour or two in the forest. He went downstairs into the common area where the rest of his classmates were, and quickly left the dorms before anyone could ask where he was going; kirashima noticed, but didn't want to agitate him.
After about 20 minutes of walking, Bakugou entered a small grocery store. He decided not to grab a cart, Since he was only there for a few things. He started looking at the different flavors of hot sauce to choose from, when he noticed two teenage boys starring at a girl on the other side of the store and he soon realized it was Camie. She was wearing a black tank top with some ripped jeans, looking at different flavors of instant ramen on one of the shelves, right before one of the teenage delinquents approached her and got her attention by saying. "hey there cutie, watcha buyin'?."

" I know ya or somethin'?." Camie asked, slightly tilting her head.

"Would you like to?." The boy asked in a flirtatious tone while moving closer to her, cutting the distance between them; and soon enough, the other boy walked over as well, saying. "Why don't ya give us your phone number?." In a manipulative tone of voice. 'That's what they call flirting? What a joke.' Bakugou thought to himself as he continued to keep an eye on the dusty blonde haired girl.

"Yeah...I'm gonna have to pass on that one..." Camie responded, slightly stammering. Just as she was about to walk in the other direction, one of the morons lightly grabbed her wrist and slightly pulled her back by force; while saying. "Aww, Come on.We can talk a little longer."  And as much as he didn't want to, Bakugou knew that he had to do something at that point.

Camie looked down at the hand gripping her wrist and then back up at the two, as a worried look grew on her face from not knowing what to do in the moment. She'd normally use her quirk For a situation like this, however, she wasn't given permission to use it outside of school and she was already in a lot of trouble for using it last time. 'What should I do!?' She asked herself, When suddenly, she heard a familiar voice coming from behind the two idiots; saying. "Hey, just what the heck do you think you're doing?." The two boys turned around and saw an angry blond with a spiteful look on his face. "Bakugou?." Camie whispered to herself, while simultaneously feeling shocked and relieved by his presence. Bakugou took a few steps towards them and both felt extremely intimidated by it, meanwhile, the one boy began to loosen his grip on Camie's wrist and slightly shouted."Who are you!?."

"What does it look like? Moron." Bakugou replied in an aggressive but also calm tone. He swiftly walked over to Camie, bashing the two 'extras' out of his way and grabbing Camie's hand. She slightly gasped and began to blink a couple of times just to make sure what she was seeing was real; and he started leading her out of the store.

"What the heck we're you thinking Coming to this side of town, idiot!?." Bakugou yelled at her and camie put one hand in front of her face as a shield for a moment.

"I was hungry..." she plainly said, while acting innocently dumb and Bakugou quickly responded with. "Tch...whatever..." as he began walking back to the dorms.

Camie lifted a brow. "Uh....where're you goin?..."  she asked him, baffled.

"...Back to the dorms...." He replied, with an irritated but also exhausted tone voice.

'That's weird...he didn't even buy anything...' She thought to herself.

After a few minutes of walking back to the dorms, he realized that he completely forgot to buy what he came to get. "Dang it..." he whispered to himself. However, it was already too late to turn around; he still had some training he wanted to do and he wasn't about to skip it for some groceries. Bakugou finally made it back to the dorms and he immediately went upstairs to his room to change his shirt before training; he put on his black tank top and went outside. He began going deep into the forest so he wouldn't be bothered by anyone (also so he wouldn't injure anyone by accident) he started off with some push-ups, then some sit-ups; before using his quirk. right after he finished training,(which took about two hours) he grabbed his water bottle and took a sip of it before pouring it over his head to try and cool himself down. He took deep breaths and used his arm to wipe the sweat off his chin, when he heard something from behind one of the trees.

"Whoever's there? show yourself..." He demanded, even though he already had a clear idea of who it was. The individual slowly revealed themself And with no surprise, it was Camie.

"What the heck did you follow me here for?" Bakugou bluntly asked her. However, she refused to make eye contact with him.


Bakugou slightly raised his voice when saying" Just spit it out already."

"I...I wanted say thank you...for helping me today."
Camie awkwardly said, still avoiding eye contact to suppress her blush.

Bakugou scoffed. "Don't go thinking I helped you cause I was "worried" about you. I helped you, cause you obviously couldn't help yourself!." He stated.

'Ain't that the same thing?' She thought.
And Camie began to protest. "Say whatever ya wanna say, but you were totes worried about me." She playfully winked at him and gently smiled. Doing so, made Bakugou uncomfortable and take a step back; hoping to gain some distance between them.  Sure he couldn't stand her, but he knew it wouldn't have been right to leave her alone with those's not something a pro-hero would do...

"Well any who, thanks! Imma head back to the dorms." Camie said as she turned around and realized she couldn't remember the way she came; so instead of walking back, she just stood there frozen & confused while saying. "...Ummm...?"

bakugou noticed, and let out a long sigh before resting his hand on his hip and tiredly saying. "Let me guess, you don't know the way back?." Camie nervously laughed and scratched the back of her head.

"Follow me...but keep your distance..." Bakugou warned her, leading the way as she began walking five feet behind him. After a few minutes of walking, they made it out of the forest; however, bakugou became over exhausted from training. So he decided to rest for a minute before walking back to the dorms.

"You ok?." Camie asked.

"I'm gonna rest for a minute..." he tiredly said, and there became an awkward silence between them for a few seconds before Bakugou irritatingly stated. "You don't have to wait for me, I'm fine."

"I know...I can wait..." she calmly reassured him, and he responded by scoffing. When they suddenly heard kirashima say. "Hey, Bakugou." As he walked towards them. "What are you doing out here, dunce face?" Bakugou rudely asked, and his friend quickly responded with. "I decided to go for a walk and get some fresh air...what about you two-....." kirashima noticed Bakugous condition and that he was with camie when coming out of the forest; with all that in mind, he immediately jumped to conclusions. "Um...I'm gonna go...I'll talk to you later..." and just like that, Kirashima left as quickly as possible; leaving Bakugou confused for a moment. "What's up with him?" The spiky blond asked, not expecting an answer. Camie quickly and calmly responded."He probably thinks we made out..." and Bakugo's eyes turned white from shock "WhAT!!!???"



Sorry if this sucks/seems random. 😅 I tried using some of the ideas you guys gave me, but i didn't write them that well. Thanks for reading this chapter though .🙏🏻 I really hope you liked it. & Please keep the ideas comin' 😊

Transfer Student | (BakuCamie) Bakugou x CamieWhere stories live. Discover now