Visiting hours

220 8 8

It was the day after Bakugou had been immediately taken to the hospital after fighting against one of 'All for one's henchmen. The doctors had spent hours examining the bullet wound and trying to determine if/when Bakugou's quirk would return. Camie impatiently sat in the waiting room with Best Jeanist for up to an hour before hearing from the doctor; they had informed them on Bakugou's condition and the tests they had been running to confirm whether or not his quirk would be in tact. Unfortunately they weren't allowed to see him yet, so the doctor suggested coming back another day so they did. Camie had heard that Best Jeanist had already visited, so it was just her in the waiting room this time.


Camie pov

the day after Bakugou was taken to the hospital, I decided to go and visit him. I sat in the waiting room for about 10 minutes, looking around aimlessly before an angry blonde woman walked by, along with a worried looking brown-haired man following her, begging her to lower her voice. She was saying something along the lines of: "out of all of the career options he had, he had to choose the most dangerous one!" As her husband responded with "I'm sure he knew the risks of being a hero, Mitsuki. Besides, the doctors said he'll be just fine." He reassured her as they exited the building. A nurse entered the waiting room. "Ms. Utsushimi." She scanned the room and I raised my hand to catch her attention. She led me to room 258 where Bakugou was resting. I walked over to the side of the hospital bed, the nurse offered to move a chair over for me and I kindly accepted. I gazed down at him sleeping peacefully, his torso had been wrapped up in bandages, as well as one of his arms. I hesitated before reaching for his hand and leaning against the edge of the bed. I stayed there for about half an hour, hoping he'd wake up, but the closest thing I got to that was a twitch from his hand. I decided to wait a little longer and soon after, I unintentionally fell asleep.


Bakugou pov

I inhaled and exhaled as I struggled to open my eyes, suddenly feeling a sharp pain rush to my chest that made me clench my fists and jaw. My focus on the pain was stolen by the feel of someone's hand in mine. I slightly tilted my head down to see camie asleep on the edge of the bed with her head slightly pressed against my leg.
'She...was worried about me...?'

I lightly stroked her hand with my thumb, being sure not to wake her. 'I wonder how long she's been here...I wonder how long I'VE been here.' The last thing I could remember was fighting a villain before hearing Camie's voice off in the distance...wait...did-she save me?!.....

I decided to rest my eyes for a minute, when suddenly I heard the door slide open; it was one of the nurses.

"Oh good, you're awake" she smiled. "I'll go get the doctor"

The doctor showed up within a few minutes and my parents soon after; Camie was asked to wait outside as the doctor had a discussion with my parents about my quirk and what'd be the best thing to do for it; they suggested no attempt of activating it until my wounds are fully healed, and not to train for more than an hour a day for a few weeks even after I've finished healing; They also said that I'd be able to go home within a few days. Afterwards, Camie came back in and immediately caught my mom's attention; I could tell that Camie looked slightly nervous but still managed to smile out of politeness.

"Hi...Umm-you must be Bakugou's parents—right?"
She awkwardly asked and my mom responded with: "And you must be Katsuki's girlfriend."

My heart rate shot through the roof once the words registered to my brain. Just as I was about to say something, Camie beat me to it. "N-no we're just friends..." she lightly laughed.

My mom raised an eyebrow at her. "Really?" She didn't seem to be buying it. Camie nodded in response, but the redness in her face was incredibly noticeable.

"Hmmm...okay." The old hag finally left the topic alone. "I'm Mitsuki Bakugou and this is my husband, Masaru Bakugou." She rested her hand on his shoulder and he gave a slight smile.

"I'm Camie Utsushimi. It's nice to finally meet you guys,"

"So how do you know Katsuki?"

"We have class together."

"Is that so?"

"I transferred from shiketsu."

"I see———Would you like to come over for dinner sometime?"


"For real? I'd totally love that!" Camie's excitement clearly affected her normal talking, but to be honest I'm surprised she lasted this long talking 'normal' to begin with. Looks like this'll be a very exhausting week '

I apologize for the wait on this chapter, I added as much as I could considering how busy I've been and haven't had much time to write; although I admit that I got inspired to write another fanfiction😅😌. But I hope you like this chapter, it's not much and I'm sure I missed some typos or messed up some details and the dialogue is awkward. Let me know what you think of it. 👍🏻
Also, the art is mine. 🤗🫶🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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