The Next 6 Months

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Summer was fast approaching and Selene was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel obtaining her degree. And things had been heating up with Dr. Rose for the past 6 months. But it was a slow burn. Different than anything she had ever experienced. She had only ever been with boys her own age her whole life, had never experienced the complexities of a mature, older man's emotions. He was almost 20 years older than her and she felt safe in his almost paternal but still lustful energy he radiated towards her. They had recently started texting more frequently and less about the office. After her text about his cologne, he let a week pass before saying "you need to text me more." She had remembered feeling a tightness in her throat. A rush of dopamine shot through her system as she typed, "well that shouldn't be too hard to handle. I just know you're a busy man, didn't want to be a bother to you. What should the context of these messages include?" She pleaded inside of herself for him to reply provocatively. "Oh you're never a bother. Just updates about you, your life, work etc." Her mouth fell into a frown. He was so careful. He had already expressed concerns to her about legal consequences if she were to use his texts against him in the case she becomes mad or upset with him. Selene couldn't believe he thought that about her. She thought that he must have had a traumatic experience with this before, and she wanted nothing but to be an outlet and source of pleasure in all shapes and forms in his life. She never wanted to cause him pain or harm. She found herself almost protective of him and wishing nothing but good things for him, including with his children and even his girlfriend that he had admitted to her one day of having. He thought she would be bothered by this, but she thought it would be hypocritical of her to be married and be jealous of him having someone that was there before her as well. Besides, she knew what they were building was unique...though she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was or what it was becoming. And she thought that even though they may be deceitful with the other people in their lives they loved, the honesty they gave eachother and trusted with one another was their own brand of love. And still she was afraid of what she was feeling for him. She began talking to him sexually because he turned her on, but she had no intention of leaving her husband, just fucking another man. And that was almost an embarrassing confession she thought to herself. But it was also intriguing and her adrenaline and every other particle of energy flowing through her body was telling her one word "jump". So she did. Fully and completely, one Monday morning after she had just returned from vacation. Fighting the urge to text him while she was drinking at night on the beach with her husband and their friends, she waited patiently until the next time they could talk. He texted her "good morning" the Monday she got back and she decided to finally make the move that would either make or break what they had been building. "Good morning, I was just thinking about you." She smiled as she sent it. "What were you thinking?" Based off of his reply, she decided to just be bold and go for what she wanted, "I've been thinking about how I need a doctor to rub aloe all over the sunburn I got from being in a bikini all week." Selene held her breath, this was the most forward she had been in the year they had been flirting. His reply was perfect, "Well I do have some experience in dermatology thanks to med school, I have good hands. I bet I could help you." Her heart pounded as she contemplated what to do next. "Are you alone? I could send you a picture to see if you can handle it....if you like...". He responded quickly, "yes. I'm alone. Show me." She went to the restroom in the office and pulled her form fitting scrub pants down just below her sun kissed ass cheeks, showing her little tan line and the redness from her burn. Sending the picture, she chewed her bottom lip, hoping for an appropriate response from him. "Oh wow. That is a bad burn. Need to apply aloe and rub all over. But I don't think anyone in their right mind would be able to stop at just the affected areas." Selene was beaming. Just the response she wanted to illicit.
Selene: Who says I want you to stop at the affected areas?
Dr. Rose: Does your husband check your phone records?
Selene: No. We don't do that. It's safe to text me, if he was going to notice anything he would have already said something after a year. He would have noticed how frequent your number was becoming in my records.
Dr. Rose: want you to know that anyone of sound legal mind would tell me to run the other way. That I'm being an idiot and risking everything I've built and worked so hard for. But I can tell you're not looking for trouble, and I want to explore the possibilities here with you.
Selene was smiling at her phone like a little girl falling into puppy love. It was true, she wasn't looking for trouble, in any form. She wasn't looking to hurt her husband either, she was still trying to be affectionate to him too and meet his needs, but their relationship was just completely different. There was something about Dr. Rose that she wanted to give herself to completely, but she also didn't want to hurt her husband and the doctor didn't want to hurt his girlfriend either. So what was this going to be? It's only human to want to define relationships, but also scary and vulnerable. So she asked, "what do you want from this then, ideally? What about me is drawing you into the idea of going against everything you believe you should do?" His response was incredibly sexy. "I want to take care of you, nurture you, help you grow in your career. But I don't want to tear apart your family or cause any drama in your life. I want you to be obsessed with me, cling to me, worship me. For years."
Her heart swelled in her chest. She had wanted it too, she just didn't have the courage to say it like he had or even really understand it had been there, bubbling beneath the surface this whole time. It felt natural with him, even though it went against everything she had been told about what a woman should want and how she should behave with self respect. She didn't want self respect, she wanted his respect and to respect him in return.
"I want that too daddy. Can I call you that? Or is it weird since you have kids?" She didn't know why she wanted to call him daddy, she didn't even call her own father daddy, but again, it just felt organic. She was worried it would freak him out.
Dr. Rose: Not at all. I want to be your daddy.
And that's when the most cerebral, complex and all encompassing relationship of her life began.

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