The Hotel

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It was Friday again. Selene's weeks had been rushing by in a blur, wrapping up midterms and knowing she only had two classes left before starting her masters program was beginning to feel less exciting and more foreboding. She knew she would be looking for a new job once she had her Bachelors to be able to get hands on experience in the field of Psychology while still going to school, and she didn't want to leave the doctor. Thinking all of this alone at her desk and beginning to feel like she was sinking, the touch of a large hand on her upper back broke her from her spiral of thoughts. She looked up to see the doctor looking down at her, worried. "What's wrong little one?" He took her chin between his thumb and index finger like he sometimes did when he was feeling especially sentimental. "How did you know I was feeling sad?" Her eyes had that watery look but no tears were allowed to form. She was trying to be a big girl and keep it together. "I can feel you, I'm good like that", he smirked playfully at her and pushed her hair behind one of her ears.
"Just thinking about how much longer I have with you."
"And why would that make you sad? Lifetime not long enough for you?"
She faked a smile and her eyes fell to her lap, "you say that now, but what happens when we don't see each other every day and you get a new employee to have fun with?"
"This has never, and I highly doubt will ever, happen again. You're unique, this is different. I know you feel that too."
"I do feel that, but..."
"What? Be honest."
"I'm afraid."
Selene sighed and squeezed the bridge of her nose as she sealed her eyes tightly closed, not wanting to admit her feelings, "unrequited love."
Without hesitation or being freaked out by the mention of love he continued to rub her back, "well I'm here aren't I? I'm feeling all of these things too, it can be scary I know. But life is risk, and you're one I would regret not taking for the rest of my life if I just let you walk out of here."
She was smiling now. But still feeling doubt and worry. He could sense it and continued, "I actually can't wait for you to not be my employee."
Selene's head shot up and her eyebrows furrowed at him, "what? Why?"
"Because then I could take you on dates, I could see you more frequently outside of the office and not feel guilty about being unprofessional and crossing that line with an employee. I'm not going anywhere. I have a lot of patience. I could wait another couple of years if I needed to."
She rolled her eyes, "well that's not happening. I'm trying to have patience, but I'm starting to feel frustrated." They hadn't kissed since that day in his office and she was still reeling from the aftermath of his fervent touch. He smiled genuinely and took her hand in his, "what if I told you I canceled my meeting after work to see if you'd like to meet me at a hotel in a few?"
"I'd ask if you're serious or just teasing me."
His tone took on a more dominant, intense air as he stared at her, "I don't play games."
"Then I would ask you when and where?"
"Statler, downtown, 3pm."
Her cheeks blushed and she sheepishly agreed. "Good. See you in a few hours babygirl."
After three of the longest hours of her adult life, she was finally free. Pulling up to the valet at the posh, historical hotel, she started to feel the kind of nausea that can only be created by intense anticipation and eagerness. The young boy working at the stand promptly opened her door for her and she thanked him and handed her key fob over. Selene watched herself in the glass doors of the hotel as she walked up, she had changed into a black silk slip dress but covered herself with a long peacoat, strange attire for summer in Texas but at least she wouldn't get the questioning looks of other hotel guests and employees. The only skin showing was her knees down and her slim legs displayed her delicate muscles flexing with every step. She looked beautiful and confident, the kind of glow that only love can shine upon your skin. He had texted her on the way over "room 726", so she bypassed the check in counter and stepped onto the chic elevator pressing the number 7 to go up. She walked down the red carpeted hall and lightly tapped the door marked 726 with her fingernails. The lock clicked and the door swung open, revealing the doctor standing shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Well hello there sweet girl" he said lustfully.
"Hey daddy" Selene smirked letting her nails graze down his arm as she breezed past him into the dimly lit room. The ambiance of the entire building was sexy, but the rooms were even more opulent with a modern and sophisticated elegance overlooking the busy city life. She went to the window and looked down, waiting for him to make the first move.
"Are you ready to sign the contract?" His voice beckoned to her across the room. She turned to face him and he was holding the papers in one hand and an expensive looking ballpoint pen lined in silver in the other. She walked to him without saying a word and took the pen in her hand as he lay the papers on the round table holding up a fresh bouquet of peonies and Queen Anne's lace. Their sweet, slight scent filling her nostrils as she breathed in before putting the heavy pen to the last page of the contract. She dropped it on the table and let her coat fall to the floor.

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