0 0 5 : y o u r s .

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I entered Grab N go, as I did I tried to avoid all contact with Vance Hopper, as I walked past him my eyes glued to the floor.

"I saw you already Yamada" I heard him say as I sighed, grabbing a coke, and getting to the cashier. "That'll be 2.50 please" she said as she smiled at me.

I pulled out a 5 dollar bill and handed it to her as she gave me my change. I approached Vance, and offered the change, "I don't want your handouts" he said as he scoffed. "It's for your game," I said as I handed it to him. "Goodbye Vance" I said as I exited, as he stood there speechless.

As soon as I got to my house I entered and saw Robin sitting at the kitchen table, "hey Rob when did you get here" I said as I smiled. "Hey preciosa I got here a few minutes ago Bruce let me in" he said as he smiled at me. "Where is my brother?" I asked.

"He's with some girl, I think he's tutoring her, Vances sister? I think?" He said as he pulled the chair open for me.

"Oh, yeah Chrissy," I said as I grinned. "He likes her" I whispered in his ear as he grinned turning to look at me, now only have I realized how close our faces were, we were inches away. "Your really pretty, mi amor" he said as I blushed, looking at his lips, as did he.

As we inched closer, our lips nearly touching. "Hey guys!" Bruce said as he pushed our heads away, as I sighed, as Robin rolled his eyes. "So, Aj, I will be back, I'm going to walk Chrissy home" he said as Chrissy waved from the doorway.

"Oh, and Robin, I'm watching you" he said as he looked at Robin. "Oh Bruce! Leave him alone" I said as Bruce chuckled walking towards Chrissy as they walked away.

The door shut and I turned to Robin and nervously chuckled and looked down. As he lifted my chin up, "don't be nervous" he whispered, and slowly our faces inched closer.

And we kissed. I felt butterflies swarm in my stomach, as he held my waist in place. We broke apart, as we smiled at each other.

A:N : okay ahhhh they kissed!!! So just to be clear I aged them up to 16! And What do you think about Chrissy? She's from my other Fanfic, if you wanna check it out! But yes I hope you liked this chapter! I will be posting another chapter in a hour or two.

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