𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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I'm walking towards the back door and i'm walking on the path because i'm pretty sure that if I even look at the grass. Ron will sense it and he will feed the grass to me for the next two weeks.

I step inside and I don't see anyone. I'm looking around and I don't even hear anything. I head up to the upstairs and I'm walking straight to Sam's room even when he told me to go to my own room but please... And he's not home anyways so who cares? Not me.

I decided to take short shower and after that I fall on to the couch. Mojo is sleeping on Sam's bed and my eyes are starting to feel heavier.

Suddenly someone barged inside the room.

"What? Who's dying?" I woke up from full sleep.

"Since a when you two were friends?" I heard low voice asking. I pushed my head back to my pillow.

"Since 7 grade." I murmured and I fell back to sleep.

"You serious? Y/n?!" The voice was whisper yelling.

I don't know how many hours has passed but I woke up from noise which came outside. I notice that Sam jumped up and started yelling something.

"No, no, no! My car!" He yells.

"Your car?" I murmured back to him.

"Y/n! C'mon!" Sam yells and I went to sit down.

Sam runs downstair and I'm walking behind him but he's already outside until he came back quickly.

"Call the cops!" He yells and now he's gone again.

"Cops?" I asked from myself.

"Where did Sam go?" I heard Judy asking behind me as sleepy as i'm.

"I have no idea... he just told me to call cops and something about the car." I say and I walk back upstairs.

Early on the morning:

"Y/n! Let's go." Ron says and taps the doorway.

"Seriously? I can't have any sleep in this house?" I asked.

"It's Sam." Ron says.

"What about him?" I asked and I lifted my head up from the pillow. I stared at Ron and his expression wasn't good.

"Well... We need to get him from the police station." Ron says

"What?!" I have never jumped so fast up as I did now.

"Mhh-h" Ron murmurs and then he leaves.

I quickly change my clothes and I run downstairs. Ron is waiting at me and he holds the door for me.

"How he even?" I started when I plucked my seatbelt.

"I have no idea but he better have god damn explanation..." Ron says.

I sigh and I look at my phone. There are messages and other notifications from other apps.

Then I see one message and it's from Mikaela.

I don't wanna open it so I just close my phone and wait for us to arrive to the police station.

"Look, I can't be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being. It just stood up." Sam tries to convice the police man.

"It just stood up?" Police man repeated.

"Wow. That's really neat. Okay, chiefie. Time to fill her up. And no drippy-drippy." The police man handed some test tube and paper to Sam.

Sam stares the man and then me.

"What are you rolling?" The police man asks

"Hey?!" I asked.

"Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sayve with the boys?" The police man asks again and then he looks at me.

"No, I'm not on any drugs." Sam defenced.

"Yeah he's not... definitely not." I said

"And how you know?" The police man asks from me.

"Trust me I know." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Then what's these?" The police man catched a bottle of pills and shows them.

I brust out from laughter.

"You think this is funny?" He asked.

"Well kinda..." I laughed.

"Found it in your pocked... Mojo. Is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of Mojo?" The police man is trying his best.

I can't hold it anymore. I feel like i'm pissing my pants.

"Those are dog's pain pills." I laugh and my stomach hurts.

The police man looks at Sam and then Me. He looks like he's so done with his life and job.

"You know, a Chihuahua. A little..." Ron explains.

Okay sorry for this chapter and i'm sorry i've been little lazy and slow for this story but i promise i will write it more in few days when i have one free day from work and 2 days after that i start my holiday soooo:)

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