𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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I ran the middle of the road and Ratched was on my right side and Ironhide on my left side to shield me.

I kept running like crazy.

"Cover fire!" Ratchet yelled.

As i was running i was thinking Sam and Mikaela and how i kinda hoped that Sam was following me. No. Now is my time to be the hero.

I was in my thoughts.

"Watch out!" Ironhide yelled suddenly.

Someone attacked Ironhide and one Decepticon was flying above me.

"Where is Optimus?" I yelled while running.

"Focus to the Cube!" Ratchet yelled behind me.

I did like he told me and i saw the main road and i headed there. Everyone were screaming and running away which wasn't surprise.

"Keep moving, y/n!" Ironhide said to me while running next to me.

"Don't stop!" He said and i tried to run faster but my legs started to burn like i was running in fire.

I was almost getting the location where i was supposed to go but suddenly i felt like i was falling and sadly i was.

I tripped to my own legs and i fell to the ground. I tried to get up as fast as i could but next thing i saw was Decepticon and cars flying towards me.

I stared at him and i tried to get up but i looked like new born who tried to learn how to walk for the first time.

I was just about to get up but then Ironhide and Ratchet literally jumped oer me to attack the Decepticon.

I grawled next to the car and i kept the Cube safe. Ironhide and Rathet did their best and then the Decepticon transformed and then flied away.

"Get to the building!" Ironhide yelled again and he didn't need to say twice. I nodded to him and then i started to run again towards the building.

"Imagine. You're going to be the hero who saves the humanity..." I said to myself.

I heard loud thud and i didn't want to look back because i knew it was bad.

"Give me that Cube!" Someone yelled to me.

I automatically looked behind me and it was Megatron.


Megatron was pissed as hell but it didn't matter.

I looked again and he was still following me. I shut my eyes and then i looked ahead and suddenly there was a car right towards me and i crashed right towards it and i flew to the ground.

"Ouch..." I grunted out of pain.

I grabbed the Cube and i looked inside the car who almost drove over me and there was young women staring at me.

Everyone started to yell and scream louder and i didn't know why.

I looked both of my sides.

"Oh, no, no, no... Not now." I murmured.

The Cube must have activated.

I looked ahead and i saw the big building.


I ran through the port and inside the building.

It was like great hall and i didn't know how to get up to the top of the building.

I looked behind and slight panic started to take control of my body but i didn't want it to happen.

I just ran somewhere.

"Could he stop the chasing already!" I said outloud to myself.

"Run.. C'mon legs! Run!" I said and i tried to find some stairs but then i heard the glass shatter.

I was now in some much darked place where the daylight was only source or light.

"I smell you!" Megatron yelled.

I didn't wanna hear his voice because i knew i could die anymoment.

I saw wooden stairs and i started to run them up and i jumped over few stairs so i would be faster.

I was almost top of the building but i needed to find another stairs to continue.

Suddenly the whole floor started to crash and Megatron jumped up from the first floor. He almost got me.

I found the stairs and i looked up and i was already regretted my wonderful decisions. There was so many stairs but i knew that i needed to do it.

"Maggot!" I heard Megatron yell at me.

"Oh, shut up!" I yelled. I think my head is gonna blew up anytime soon because of the anxienty and all the running.

"Almost there..." I thought and i started to climb the ladders up to the roof.

The sun was already setting down and i tried to find the helicopter so i could give this Cube to them.

"There they are.. Hey!" I tried to yell at them and wave so they would notice me.

Then i remembered the flare which Lennox gave me. I lighted it up and i kept running to the edge of the roof.

Then i saw two helicopters flying towards me and one was rising up right in front of me. There was one soldier who  looked at me and we locked the eye contact.

He tried to reach me and i tried to give the Cube to him.

"Here!" I yelled but then i saw Starscream shooting a missile towards us.

"Watch out!" I yelled to the soldier and i backed off from the edge.

"Missile!" I heard the soldier yell and then it hit to the helicopter.

The helicopter started to move like crazy and it started to spin. I lowered myself to the ground so that i wouldn't get hit.

I hugged the Cube and i stood up.

Okay so sorry for the slow updated but now i promise that i'm gonna end this and i'm gonna start the new story soon. I'm also annoyed to myself...

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