𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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Some time went and Mikaela and Sam started to do something. I was standing and watching them from the back.

"All right, tough guy, take it off." Mikaela started.

"Huh?" I asked because i was confused.

"What are you talking about?" Simmons asked.

"You clothes, all of it, off." Mikaela commanded.

"Oh..." I said and i was surprised.

"For what?" Simmons raised hus voice.

"For threatening my dad and for insulting Y/n." Mikaela said and then she looked at me.

I was more than happy.

"Little lady? This is the beginning of the end of your life." Simmons said while he was taking his clothes off.

"Nice Superman t-shirt!" I yelled at Simmons from the little further.

"You're criminal. Let's face facts. It's in your gene pool." Simmons said.

Simmons got his clothes of then then Mikaela handcuffed him to the pole.

"I will hunt you down!" Simmons said.

"So we'll see next time then..." I murmured and i started to walk but i got to take few steps but then we started to hear helicopters.

We looked at the sky.

"Did they?" I asked.

"Optimus! Incoming!" Ironhide said and hut on the ground. The signal wave went far away so that the car's stoppeed and crashed on each other.

 The signal wave went far away so that the car's stoppeed and crashed on each other

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"Roll out..." Optimus commanded.

I waited that they all wen't back to their altmodes but i don't know why i felt the safest with Optimus so i waited him.

He was the only one still in his "normal" form.

"I said this is going to end bad." I said and i looked at Optimus.

"Up you get." Optimus said and i jumped on his servo and so did Sam and Mikaela.

Sam and Mikaela climbed on Optimus's right shoulder plate and i climbed on the left one because there wasn't room anymore.

Optimus started to clim down and run away from the helicopters which one were chasing us.

We got in the street and the cars started to drive crazily.

"Optimus, watch the cars!" I warned and he did his best.

Optimus turned to the side streed and we lost the helicopters for a while. Optimus climbed under the bridge and the helicopters flew under us.

"Gosh, i don't like this at all." I said and i tried to hold on tightly.

My grip started to slip and my hand started to get all sweaty.

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