𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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The night started to turn into morning and we drove at smaller airport and there was few helicopters waiting us.

They stopped the car and they opened out handcuffs.

"Don't play with me, love." Simmons said but i didn't want to listen him so i just walked past him and i followed Sam and Mikaela.

"I really don't like this." I said at them.

There was silence between us until we got in the helicopter.

All three of us sat next to each other and there was a young woman and young man sitting in front of us.

I was annoyed because of the situation and it didn't help that they were staring at us.

"Let's go!" Someone hit the helicopter few times and we were going again.

The silence was uncomfortable or maybe cringe would be right word to describe it.

The blonde woman smiled at us and the young man just looked nervous.

"So..." Sam started.

"Oh no." I murmured.

"What'd they get you for?" She asked from us.

"Uh, we bought a car." Sam started and pointed at me.

"Turned out to be an alien robot." Sam continued.

"Yeah. Normal day." I added.

"Wow." The young man mouthed.

"Who knew?" Sam shrugged.

"We're close!" Someone yelled and i looked outside and it looked like base with full of agents.

We landed and we lowered our bodies because the wind was crazy.

We continued our way with cars but it wasn't long way to the bridge when we get out again.

"Holy crap..." I said while looking down and we were pretty high.

"Well, i don't wanna fall there." I said and Sam walked next to me.

We followed some man and i had no idea where we were going but i saw Simmons and it already destroyed my mood which was just rising.

"Hey, kids." Simmons started.

I crossed my arms over my chest.

" I think we got off to a bad start, huh?" Simmons continued and placed his hands on mine and Sam's shoulder.

I tried to give "help me" eyes at Mikaela.

"You must be hungry? You want a latte? HoHo? Double venti macchiato?" Simmons said.

"I think we're good." I said and pushed his hand away from me.

"Where's the car?" Sam asked.

"Som, i need you to listen to me very carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything that you two know. We need to know it now." Banachek said suddenly.

"Well, the thing here is that i'm not saying a word until Bee's free." I said and i stepped closer at Banachek.

"First, we'll take our car, my parents. Maybe you should write that down. Oh, and her juvie record. That's got to be gone." Sam said and mine and Mikaela's head turned to look at him.

"Like, forever." Sam said

"Come with me. We'll talk about the car." Banachek said.

"I think, there's nothing to discuss about." I said.

"Come." Banachek said and nodded towards the doors.

Sam and Mikaela left with the man and i waited for a moment but i realised that i was aloke with Simmons.

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