𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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The police man looks so tired of his life right now... again.

There's a silence and I notice how Sam was staring the gun and the police man noticed too.

"What was that?" He asked with annoying smile on his face.

"Huh?" Sam hummed and still was looking the gun.

The police man smiled and pointed the gun.

"You eyeballing my piece, 50 Cent?" He asked.

I was getting really annoyed because I wanted to leave this place already.

Sam didn't answer to the police and he was standing up getting closer to Sam.

"You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it." The police man pushed

I looked between Sam and Ron...

"Ron?" I asked because he could stop the situation.

"Because I promise I will bust you up." The police man said to Sam.

"Are you on drugs?" Sam suddenly asked

I smiled because I was happy he didn't start to panic.

After all Ron signed some paper and we were done after 45minutes and then we left. The whole trip way back home Sam tried to explain the silly situation to us too and she tried to tell me that his Camaro just magically woke up. We finally got home and Judy wasn't happy.

After some lecturing and preaching from Judy we headed back to upstairs.

"Why I got yelled?" I furrowed my brows and I sat on the couch.

"Y/n, please..." Sam murmured.

"Okay, okay..." I murmured back to him.

Rest of the day was quiet and nothing special happened. It was kinda calming to just lay down and do nothing.

Next day

Sun shined through the blinds and it's warm morning. I'm outside on the terrace just watching and thinking until my phone rings. It was just notification... message... from Mikaela.

She asked if we could meet today... I gulped.

I don't know why i'm so nervous.

"Fuck it!" I getting my shit together.

"Sure. Anytime is okay." I answered

I heard Sam from the kitchen and Mojo was barking. Then my eyes traveles to the yard.

"What the hell?" I raised my voice.

I stood up and I was just staring the yellow Camaro. In the middle of our yard.

"Um, Sam? Are you driving?" I tried to yell at him

I walk carefully towards the car and i'm looking inside it and there's no one.

"Miles? Miles, listen to me." I heard quitly but still loud that Sam was calling to him.

"Y/n! Come inside!" Sam yelled.

"The hell?" I questioned him and I turned around. I saw Sam inside the house.

Suddenly the car drove around me and stopped so that the drivers seat door is next to me and it opened.

"You would have killed me already if you wanted to." I said outloud and I bravely stepped inside the car.

What the hell am I doing?!

Suddenly it started to drive and next I saw Sam riding Judy's bicycle.

"Stop! Stop!" Sam yelled

"Please don't kill him." I raised my voice.

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