𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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He pulled me quickly and i almost fell but i held on.

I heard Judy and Ron was in Sam's room.

They were talking and had conversation and i was only thinking that if they see us.

"Oh, no. Parents." Optimus said and pointed to the others to hide. We were infront of the bathroom's window and Ron was right there and my eyes went wide open and Optimus quickly moved away and he tried to hide and he made the whole house shake.

"Quick, hide! hide!" Optimus commanded the other Autobots

"Hide, what? Where?" Ironhide asked.

I was holding my breath and i looked at Optimus with are you serious expression but then he climbed on the roof and he other tried to hide somewhere.

Optimus glimbed on the roof and he was holding at me with one of his servos.

I was there in very uncomfortable position and i felt like my foot could slip and i could fall.

I saw the flashlight and i heard Ron walking towards the window.

"Can't you take safety seriously?" Ron asked

"Oh, no, man! man. Oh." Jazz said and tried to hide.

"Gosh." I said and i shut my eyes.

"Oh, no! Look at the yard. The yard is destroyed." Ron whined

I opened slightly my eyes again and the look is hilarious.

"So many Autobots, such in a little space." I thought at myself.

"The parents are very irritating." Ironhide started.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Ratchet agreed.

"Can i take them out?" Ironhide asked.

"Ironhide!" I yelped.

"Ironhide, you know we don't harm humans. What is with you?" Optimus asked from Ironhide.

"Well, i'm just saying we could. It's an option." Ironhide said.

I just smiled and i shook my head.

Optimus put me down and i walked to the backdoor.

"Prime! Wait, i'm getting the glasses." I said and i pointed the inside-

Optimus nodded and i know he was getting frustrated because there really wasn't time anymore.

I run to the living room and scanning the area but the backpack wasn't there so i run straightly to the kitchen and the backpack was right there. In the middle of the room.

"Of course..." I whispered.

I grabbed it and i opened it and the glasses were there. I started to run upstairs but i bumped into Sam in the middle of the stairs.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"The glasses. Here." I said and i handed the bag over him.

Sam looked inside the backpack and he was reliefed.

We headed back to the kitchen and Mikaela was following us.

"Okay, okay.." Sam said

"Your mom's so nice." Mikaela said suddenly.

"Huh?" I hummed

" I want you to distract my parents while we slip out and get these glasses to them, okay?" Sam asked from Mikaela.

Suddenly the doorbell started to ring incessantly.

"Who is that?" I asked from Sam and Mikaela.

"Ron!" I yelled and he came back to downstairs.

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