𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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"So, LadiesMan217." Simmons started

"Seriously?" I asked and i looked at Sam.

"That is your eBay username, right?" Simmons asked from Sam.

Mikaela looked at Sam and i almost started to laugh when i saw her face.

"Yeah, but, you know, it was a typo, and i ran with it." Sam explaned

"Hm-mh..." I hummed.

"What do you make of this?" Simmons asked and played something from the phone.

My name is Sam Witwicky, okay? And my...

"Is that you?" Simmons asked from Sam again and this time he also looked at me and Mikaela.

"Yeah, that sounds like LadiesMan." Mikaela said

I burst out laugh.

"100%." I agreed.

"Last night, at the station, you told the officer your car transformed." Simmons said and he looked at again.

"What? Seriously? Did you hit your head?" I asked from Simmons.

"Shut it! Now enlighten me." Simmons said loudly.

"Well, her's what i said, okay? 'Cause this is total misunderstanding that my car had been stolen..." Sam started.

"Our car." I corrected him while pushing Sam.

"Really?" Simmons asked.

"...From us, from our home, but it's fine now because it's back! It came back!" Sam said without thinking.

"Well, not by itself." Mikaela tried to hide.

"Well, no." Sam agreed.

"Of course not! What would be crazy... I picked the car and drove back to our house." I tried to hide the truth.

"Yeah! Because cars totally don't do that, because that would be crazy, like Y/n said." Mikaela said while looking at me and Sam.

Simmons started to laugh and so did all of us.

"That's funny. That is so funny. So what do you kids know about aliens, huh?" Simmons laughed but then he was dead serious.

"Oh, you mean, like a Martian? Like what, E.T.? No." Sam laughed it off.

"It's an urban legend." Mikaela said.

"I agree with her. I mean they would be green and you know head like potato." I said and i tried to show shape of potato with my hands.

"You see this?" Simmons asked and then he took something out of his pocket.

"This is an i-can-do-whatever-i-want-and-get-away-with-it badge." Simmons continued.

"Right..." Sam said.

"Scary..." I mocked at him.

"I'm gonna lock you up forever." Simmons threathned.

"Gosh, acting all tough?" I murmured.

"Oh, god. You know what? Don't listen to him. He's just pissy 'cause he's got to get back to guardian the mall." Mikaela mocked.

I laughed and Simmons looked at me.

"You, in the training bra, do not test me. Especially with your daddy's parole coming up." Simmons said back to Mikaela.

"What? Parole?" Sam asked

"It's nothing." I tried to stand with Mikaela.

Yeah i knew about her dad and the Parole...

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