𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗

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We were almost home and the biggest question was cracking my nerves. 5 giant robots tranformed in our backyard was cool idea but what would other people think?

We stopped in front of our house and i saw sam and Mikaela get ouf ot Bumblebee's altmode.

I opened the door and i stepped out.

"Hey." I yelled quietly and waved at them.

"Thanks for leaving me." I said with sarcasm.

I placed my hand on Bee and i walked next to Sam.

"Ok back to the point. I need you to stay here, all right? You gotta stay here and watch them." Sam said to Mikaela.

"Yes sir." I said to Sam.

"No, you're coming with me to show where the glasses are." Sam pointed.

"No, i wanna stay here." I said.

"Then tell me where the glasses are?" He asked.

" I think they're in your room or in your bagpack." I shugged my shoulders.

"Five minutes, all right?" Sam said.

"Yeah, okay, okay." Mikaela answered back to Sam.

Sam started to run towards the back door.

"Did you broke up with him?" I asked from Mikaela

"Me? Well yeah... It wasn't that great of relantionship." Mikaela said.

I let little laugh because it was funny how we were talking about relantionships at the moment like this.

"This is like baby sitting." Mikaela said while we were standing between Bumblebee and Optimus.

"Kinda yeah." I laughed it off.

Suddenly we started to heard noises and they started to transform.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Optimus? What are you doing?!" I asked.

"We need to get the glasses." Optimus said and soon after that they all started to transform and tried to get

"Don't! Ironhide! stop! Shit, shit!" I tried to get them to stay.

"Come." I said to Mikaela and we started to run to our backyard.

I saw bumblebee at the corner of the house and then i saw Ron there too talking with Sam so i stopped Mikaela too.

"Bumblebee! Stop!" I whisper yelled at him and it was gonna be a chaos.

Finally Ron left and Sam was gonna get angry or he was kinda of panicking.

"Shit.. Sam!" I said and i walked to the yard.

"Y/N!" He said to me.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Sam asked from Optimus

"Optimus! Watch out!" I said and i take few steps back.

"No, watch the path, watch the path!" Sam said loudly whispering at Optimus.

Optimus was hoovering arounf until he finally step on the water fountain.

"No, no,no! Oh, no!" Sam yelled.

"Shit.." I murmured and i pinched my nose bridge.

"Oops. Sorry, My bad." Optimus apologizied.

"Don't worry..." I said to Optimus 'cus i kinda belt falt.

"Yes you worry! I.... you couldn't... You couldn't wait for five... You couldn't wait for five minutes? I told you to just stay! Just stay! God!" Sam said to Optimus and then i saw Mojo running outside and it started to bark at Ironhide.

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