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Miku's P.O.V.

I'm running away from a shop keeper at my heals. I stole an armful of leeks from him again because I'm hungry and ran out of money to pay for them. Leeks seem to spark a little something in me for I believe I really like them. Is that right? I hope I can learn more and more emotions soon and how to use them. See, I learned hope. I am learning. Slowly but not fast. I want to learn faster. (want is the first emotion I learned because it was just there).
As I was running I rammed into someone without realizing it. He yelled out in pain and cringed. So did I. I looked and saw all of my leeks lye on the floor yet, I didn't have time. I wasted it as I stared back down at the person I was lying on top of. It was a teal eyed and haired boy who looked about my age. We just kepton staring at each other, our eyes locked and bodies frozen until I heard the old shop keeper really close now.
I sprung up and sprinted away, my feet slamming onto the pavement as they pushed me and my raggy and dirty white dress flying. Long and tangled teal hair flowing behind me in my article breeze.
I ran into a near alley way and hid behind a garbage can and tried to still my heavy breathing. I also tried to stop my pounding heart yet, even after my breathing steadied, it continued to pound as that boy stayed on my mind. Then, heat began to radiate from my face and I panicked not knowing what was going on. So, I hit my head against the concrete wall a bit. But still, that boy never left my mind and my face was still flustered; along with my pounding heart. What did that boy do to me and what am I feeling? I am not feeling very comfortable with it and yet, it feels soothing. Why is that?
I was still in my same hiding place when I heard a boy call down it.
"Ooooi! Girl from earlier! Are you here?! I have your negi! The ones you dropped earlier! Here! I brought them for you! Where are you?!"
Curiosity got the better of me and I peaked out from behind the dumpster. Then, I saw the teal haired boy from earlier. My heart began to pound again for some reason as we made eye contact. He smiled and started to slowly walk towards me as he began to speak,
"There you are. I've been looking for you for an hour now. Here, you dropped these and didn't pay for them. So I bought them for you. Don't worry, I cleaned them and even bought a little extra. Do you want them? If not, then I'll have them." The boy said softly and kindly as he carefully bent down in front of me and carefully handed a bag full of leeks for me; trying not to frighten me. Since I already was tensing up and snarled. I am not that good with people. Granted I haven't really interacted with them. I haven't even felt the warmth of having a person care for me. No one has cared for me. Taught me. Loved me. How do you love someone? How do you care for a person again? All I know is that they are some what important. But I don't exactly know what it feels like. Maybe, just maybe, this boy will teach me. Bring me out of the dark.
He did get me food right? Is that caring? I'm pretty sure it is. Yet, half of me doesn't trust him.
Which is sorta why I snatched the bag and ran to the second dumpster that I saw down the same alley way. The boy looked at me puzzled but quickly understood.
"So you are very nervous around people I see. Do you talk?" He asked me as he came close again carefully. Why is he treating me like a lost child?!
I kept on nibbling at my leeks and glared at him. Yet, he just kept coming closer despite my growling.
"Daijoubu daiyou(it's ok)." He cooed as he squatted right in front of me again. If I wasn't eating I would've bit him.
"Watashi wa Hatsune Mikuo desu. I am sixteen and go to at Osaka high school. I am currently on the day off since it's Sunday. Hajime mashite(nice to meet you)." Mikuo said kindly with a smile. I don't know why, but I felt like I could trust him. Then again, I can't my instinct tells me I can't but deep down I can. So, I did something I wouldn't do. I wasn't singing, but I was using my voice to talk. Which I never do. Much less talk to another person.
My voice was a bit raspy due to thirst, but I talked despite that and how monotone I was.
"Hatsune. Hatsune Miku. Sixteen years old."
"Hontou desuka?! Sugoi(really?! Amazing)!" Mikuo cheered his smile turning into a giant grin.
I looked down and felt my insides melting even though they weren't. Why?
When I looked up Mikuo was still looking at me except his face was turning red. Red? Why? Is he sick? I placed a hand on his forehead.
"Are you sick?" I asked with my monotonous raspy voice.
"I-ie(N-no). Hehe. It's nothing. Really." Mikuo said quickly and stood up abruptly. He started to laugh awkwardly and scratch the back of his head.
"So, Hatsune-san. Where did you come from?"
"Shiranai(I don't know)."
"Ano, do you have any family or friends?"
"Shirnai(I don't know)."
"Are you lost then?"
"Then where do you live?"
"Anywhere where there is shelter from the bad weather. Also,.if you ask me anymore questions I won't know the answers. All I know is how to survive. All I know is that I am an orphan and have lived out in the elements for as long as I can remember. Also, there is much I don't know. Like emotions. All I know is instinct and it's telling me to kill you." I said with a very cold monotonous voice. Like I have always sounded whenever I talk like this. Which is very rare.
"Naru hodo(I see). Jaa, how about you stay with me from now on. Until you gain your memory back at least. I also live with some friends at the same apartment building so we will always have visitors. We'll help you Hat..."
"Miku. My name is Miku." I cut him off. I was getting, agitated? Yea, agitated hearing my last name. It doesn't sound good. Mikuo turned red again.
"You're red. Nande(why)?" I asked confused.
"I-it's nothing. It's just... Nee, Miku, call me Mikuo from now on then. Hehe. We will be living together anyway. I am helping you out."
"Doushite(why)? Because, you look like you need help and I can't just stand around and let you suffer."
"Is that caring?"
"Caring. Are you caring about me?"
"Yea. I care about people like you and everyone and thing on the earth. I believe everything and one is important. So I must help them and take care of them. Like what I am doing for you. Also, I believe I can trust you. You won't do anything bad right?" Mikuo asked. I nodded as I ate another leek from the bag. Mikuo smiled and took my hand gently in his big, soft, yet firm hand. I flinched at first but slowly mad myself comfortable. He is a boy just like me. Well, age wise we are the same, he won't hurt me. If anything, I'd must likely kill him if he tries. Yet, I feel safe with him. Why? Why am I trusting someone this fast? Is he possessing me? Iya iya. Yamate(
I squeezed his hand and continued to eat a leek as Mikuo led me out of the alley and towards his home with a smile. The whole time, my heart was pounding as I felt his heat radiate from his body,in which I pressed against for warmth beacause this spring evening was cold. So, is this the warmth I hear about so much? The warmth of a person? Also, this soft, fluffy feeling that I feel for this stranger; what is it? Is this, happiness? Then, why is my lips refusing to smile? Hmm. I need to ask him. Not now though. I am enjoying this. I think. Yea. This is enjoyable.
Also, I also think I have this strange attraction to him. Yet, what does that mean? I am attracted to him. For both his kind personality and physical appearance. So, does that mean I am attracted to his everything? Aaah, my head hurts. I am thinking too much about this. I hope to figure this all out soon. Why are all of these foreign feelings being sparked because of Mikuo? So strange.

Thanks so much for reading Minna-san! I really really appreciate it! Feel free to review and vote. Again, your support means so much to me. I love you all!
Love, Kurosakisan.

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