Truth of What Happened That Night

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Miku's P.O.V.

~7 Years Earlier~

"Onee-san, where are you going?" I whined at my older sister who is 16 and I am 10.
"Okaa-san and Oto-san are gone and I don't want to be alone." I kept on whining, tears on the brim of my eyes.
"Haha. It's just a recording for my new album. I'll try to come back as soon as possible ok? And mommy and daddy should be
back from their recording in a hour. Also, you have Teto-san and Ted-san here for you. You love Teto-san right?" Luka onee-san asked. I smiled and nodded because even though Teto is the maid, she is like my second big sister while Ted is like the big brother, who secretly likes Teto onee-san. Haha. But I promised to keep that a secret even though she already might know. Ted Onii-chan is pretty easy to read.
Which only makes it much more fun to tease and play with him.
Yet, he is busy cleaning at the moment.
"Hai. I do! Well, bye bye. I love you!" I said and waved goodbye to Luka onee-san. She turned and hugged me goodbye and said,
"Un. I love you too Miku-chan. Bye bye." She said with a smile as she left and was taken away in the Limo.
Teto onee-san closed and locked the big doors and looked back down at me and smiled.
"Miku-sama, how is my little princess doing tonight? Are you well?" She asked as she hugged me and I hugged her back, giggling.
"Well. I am happy to be able to have Teto Onee-san to play with. I love you." I said cheerfully.
"Haha. Kawaii. Now, lets play a game." Teto suggested and I agreed, smiling. We were sitting on the bottom steps of the grand staircase playing a game when there was knocking on the door. Ted went to go and open it when he was knocked back and fell back on the floor.
Teto and I screamed as we saw two people, a black haired woman with two long black pigtails and a man with with red hair came in with weapons in their hands. The man had a wooden bat while the woman had guns.
Teto told me to run as she tried to stall for me. But she was soon knocked out with the bat like Ted. I ran outside and tried to get as far away as possible but the man was much faster than me and soon caught me. I screamed and cried as I struggled to break free.
"Stop struggling! Or else I'll kill you!" The man threatened when the woman came from behind and scolded him.
"Akaito! We need that girl alive or else we can't sell her back for 10,000,000 yen. Now hurry up and lets get going before the cops come." The woman ordered.
"Hai Hai. Gawd, u nag too much Zatsune." The red haired man complained.
"What was that?!" She yelled, agitated.
"Nothing." Just then I bit down on his arm, making him bleed. He screamed and threw me to the ground.
"Why you little brat!" Just then, there was this painful hit and I was surrounded in inky blackness. I couldn't move my body as I lost consciousness.
When I awoke, I was being carried over the man's shoulder as we they were walking in a alley way. I couldn't remember how I got here or who these people are. Yet, I started to struggle again, my body telling me that these were bad people and I have to run.
I bit his shoulder, making him bleed again. And Again he threw me to the ground and I quickly got to my feet and started run. This time I was so close to escaping but then the bat was thrown at my shoulder causing me to fall and faceplant. I was crying as I called for help as the man stood over me.
"Akaito! People are coming! Run! Hide the girl too!" The female ordered him as she ran ahead.
The man grabbed me and threw me into a dumpster and before I could escape, he hit my head again with the bat and I was out.

*End of memory*

Thank u for reading. Sorry if this chapter was short but to be honest, I like backstories. Haha. I feel like they explain a lot. Anyway, next chapter will be coming out soon. Love u all! XD


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